The use of language persuasively and diplomatically in the form of catchy and attractive political slogans plays a significant role in the politics of democratic states. This study analyzes the political slogans chanted by Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon (PML-N) during the 2018 election campaign with the purpose to analyze Pakistan’s political slogans from a semantic perspective to highlight the semantic properties and analyze the use of political slogans for presenting positive-self and a negative image of others. Data in the form of slogans were collected by random sampling technique. The data was analyzed semantically by following Leech’s (1981) theory of meaning. It was revealed that political slogans are composed persuasively and diplomatically to communicate connotative, reflected, social, affective and collocative meanings. It was also found that Political slogans in Pakistan are chanted for portraying a positive image of themselves and a negative image of others.
Persuasive Language, Political Slogans, Semantics, Leech theory of meaning
The importance of political communication in democratic states is inevitable for the reason that the political leaders have to publicize their policies among the masses and also have to motivate and convince the audience to vote for them. For achieving this end, political leaders use different strategies, among which language plays the most important function. According to Chilton and Schäffner (1997), as cited in Omar (2016), politics and language are associated with each other by stressing the idea that politics cannot be performed without the use of language.
Language has been used from very ancient times as a persuasion tool. Persuasion, according to Schmidt and Kess (1986), is the process through which an intended change in somebody's attitudes, views or conduct is induced through the conveyance of an idea (as cited in Sitáni, 2012). As pointed out by Thomans & Wareing (1999), competent orators practice indirect manipulation to control views, presumptions, the anxiety of the citizens’ sentiments, and determination to the degree to convince the general public to agree to accept the policies even if they are disagreeing with their interests and use language skillfully to make false statements look truthful statements.
During the course of the political history of the world, politicians have been using persuasive language to gain support. Different linguistic strategies are used by political figures to empower themselves and to influence or convince their audience. Among the strategies used for informing and convincing the public, like press conferences, print media, speeches, banners, billboards, politicians also use slogans. A slogan, according to Xin (2014), is composed of using language uniquely to utilize brief and short words smartly to convince, attract and motivate people to do something or to stop people from performing in a certain way. Colberg (2012) says that “for politicians, slogans become vital because they are their beliefs, platform, and legacy. The program of a politician is summarized by a slogan in a catchy word or phrase, and in this way, the program is communicated.
In Pakistan, various works have been done in different other domains, e.g., advertisement slogans and their effects on the intentions of consumers have been studied by Khalid and Yasmeen (2017), concluding that customers can be attracted by using catchy slogans. Noor, Mustafa, Muhabat, & Kazemian (2015) highlighted the semantic properties of TV commercials in Pakistan, concluding that slogans are useful in attracting the attention of the viewers. Another study, conducted on the slogans of schools in District Gujrat in Pakistan by Muhabat, Noor, & Iqbal (2015), found the usage of short, catchy slogans for communicating their aims and ideas. However, less attention has been given to the political domain. Therefore, the present study attempts to study semantic features of political slogans.
Pakistan General Election 2018
From a two-party system, the political system of Pakistan saw a significant transformation to a three party-system with the emergence of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf as the victorious party in 2018. The General Elections of 2018 in Pakistan were held on 25th July 2020, which marked the smooth and successful second transition of power from one elected government to another. Across the nation, the registered citizens flocked to the polls to cast their votes. The results showed the major victory of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, winning 112 seats in the National Assembly of Pakistan, whereas Pakistan Muslim League-N won 61 while Pakistan Peoples Party won 42 seats. 46 seats in the National Assembly were won by other political parties.
Statement of the Research Problem
Keeping in view the importance of political slogans, contemporary research studies showed their analysis in other contexts, i.e. in Ireland, America, Arab, China, and Slovakia. However, political slogans have always played an important role in the politics of Pakistan also, as they motivate the voters and reflect the vision of party leaders, but their importance has not been highlighted in the context of Pakistan. So, this study attempts to address the gap in studying political slogans in the context of Pakistan from a semantic point of view and also by analyzing the strategic use of these slogans for promoting positive self-presentation and negative other presentation.
Research Questions
1. What are the semantic properties of political slogans in Pakistan?
2. How political leaders use political slogans for positive self-presentation and negative other presentation?
Significance of the Research
As in other democratic states, the phenomenon of using political slogans is also strongly rooted in the political history of Pakistan. Therefore, the present study draws its significance from the fact that it is the first of its type investigating the use of and the linguistic features of political slogans chanted in Pakistan from a semantic perspective. Further, it will add to the existing body of knowledge about the effectiveness of political slogans in propagating political messages. Moreover, the study attempts to analyze the linguistic choices of the political figures in formulating political slogans, so the study will help increase the knowledge about how these slogans are used for promoting positive self-presentation and negative other presentation.
Literature Review
Language is often thought of as one of the most significant means of communication. It is used for communicating one’s ideas and ideologies. But it is the simplest and one of the primary functions of language. Language serves many other functions as well, as Gee (2005) pointed out the two important closely related functions, i.e. to support the performance of social happenings and social identities and to support human association within cultures, social groups, and institutions. Thus through language, we can justify our social actions, and we can identify ourselves within a culture or social group.
Slogans have been formulated using language skillfully and tactfully for attracting consumers towards a product, for creating interest in a product or idea, convincing the audience, motivating the voters to vote, etc. Historically, commenting on its origin, according to Sharp (1984), the term “slogan” comes from the Scottish Gaelic word “sluagh-ghairm” (sluagh means “army” and ghairm means “cry”) (as cited in Al-Sowaidi, Banda, & Mansour, 2017). So, the term slogan literally means a “war cry or a clan’s battle-cry”. These war cries were used by Scottish clans to motivate and inspire the clan members to combat for the defense and protection and the extension of their glory. A political slogan definition is given by Wardhaugh (2006), who proposed that any brief statement or phrase which gives reason for the selection of a particular candidate and which states the reasons that why the voters should vote for him is called a slogan (as cited in Inghaish, 2017).
Discussing some of the features of slogans, according to Tom and Eves (1999), an effective slogan needs to be impressive, memorable, appealing and meaningful so that it can invite the necessary consideration from the addressees to notice the message that is being presented in the form of a slogan. According to Bjorkstrand (2012), the three M’s of slogans are meaningful, motivating and memorable. This help remembers the important goals of slogans.
As discussed above, slogans should convey a meaningful idea, making meaning an important feature of a slogan. Therefore, the study of meaning is of prime importance. Semantics in linguistics is generally the subfield that is concerned with the study of meaning conveyed through language. Everything that an individual says carry some meaning, and the study of meaning is known as semantics (Rambaud, 2012). Every individual communicates, according to Lyons (1995, a meaningful thought by using words and sentences. Different linguists interpret the word “meaning” differently because the word “meaning” has a lot of different meanings. According to Djajasudarma (1999), as given in Yusaf (2010), to know each other is the very essence of studying meaning so that each of them knows what the person means by that utterance and what the listener is to receive from it.
The study of slogans using Leech’s semantic theory (1981) has recently grabbed the attention of scholars. For instance, Noor et al. (2015), in their article, used Leech’s Semantic Theory as a theoretical framework. Different slogans were analyzed for their connotative, thematic, affective, collective, social and reflected meanings. They found that the copywriters use different linguistic means to enhance the appealing power of the slogans. A similar study was conducted by Zulaichah (2008). After the semantic analysis, it was found that both connotative and denotative meanings were present in the lyrics of the songs as they used figurative language. The researcher concluded that there were a taste and sense of feeling in the connotative meaning as it was used indirectly. Another researcher, Irfan (2017), conducted a study on the slogans of Samsung mobiles. The main purpose of the research was to examine the types of associative meaning in the slogans of the Samsung advertisement. The data were analyzed by using Leech’s theory (1981) of meaning to analyze the associative meaning in the slogans. It was concluded that the most frequently occurring type of associative meaning is the connotative meaning.
Research Methodology
This study uses a descriptive qualitative method for the analysis of data. It is a descriptive qualitative study because the researcher has described the types of the associative meaning of the selected political slogans and has also analyzed the associative meaning of the selected slogans from the perspective of Semantics.
The data was collected in the form of political slogans by the technique of random sampling after watching the general election campaign of 2018 in Pakistan, and the slogans that were chanted in the jalsas (processions) of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon (PML-N) during the election campaign were recorded. The recorded videos of jalsas that were held from February 2018 to 23rd July 2018 were listened to carefully, and the chanted political slogans were collected for data analysis. A total data of 38 political slogans of PTI were collected by watching 17 jalsas of PTI, and 35 political slogans of PML-N were collected by watching 11 jalsas of PML-N.
As said earlier, the political slogans chanted in jalsas, i.e. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon (PML-N), during the election campaign of 2018 were considered as data for the present research. The technique of simple random sampling is used by randomly selecting the video recordings of the election campaign of 2018. The video recordings were selected randomly. A total of 28 recorded videos were randomly selected, and 73 political slogans were collected by a simple random sampling technique.
The data has been analyzed from the perspective of semantics by applying the theoretical framework of Leech (1981), in which he breaks down the meaning into seven different types, of which five of them are recognized as associative meaning. These seven types of meanings are illustrated in Figure 1. However, the researcher has analyzed the data by looking into only the associative meanings only, i.e., connotative meaning, reflected, social meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning expressed by the slogans.

According to Leech, conceptual meaning is also sometimes known as denotative or cognitive meaning. Conceptual meaning refers to the literal meaning of the word.
The associative meaning includes Connotative Meaning, which is something more than the dictionary meaning of the word. This meaning is unstable and changes from society to society, from age to age and from personal experience; Reflected Meaning refers to more than one conceptual meaning of a word. Reflected meaning is expressed by more than one conceptual meaning; Social Meaning refers to the meaning that is socially learned and conveyed by a social community. It is related to the context in which that particular utterance is used; Affective Meaning expresses the emotions of the speakers. It also deals with the effect of words evoked in the listener or reader. The hearer’s reaction is directly influenced by affective meaning, and the last one in associative meaning is Collocative Meaning which refers to the meaning that is acquired by a word on account of the meaning of words that tend to co-occur in the same environment.
Thematic Meaning refers to what is communicated by the arrangement and organization of the message. Thematic meaning is conveyed by the organization and arrangement of words and by their thematic roles.
Data Analysis and Discussion
The next section presents the analysis of the selected political slogans from a semantic point of view.
Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans
This section presents the semantic analysis of the political slogans in Pakistan that were used by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon (PML-N) in the election campaign of 2018. Semantic analysis is done by using Leech (1981) theory of meaning to find the type of associative meanings in the slogans. The following five types of associative meanings were revealed in the political slogans of Pakistan.
i. Connotative meaning
ii. Reflected meaning
iii. Social meaning
iv. Affective meaning
v. Collocative meaning.
Each of the above categories of associative meaning has been analyzed in the collected slogans of PTI first, followed by PML-N.
Connotative Meaning
The first category of the associative meaning that has been analyzed is the connotative meaning. The slogans of PTI, which revealed the connotative meaning, are analyzed first and then followed by PML-N. The analysis showed that 18 slogans of PTI out of 38 and 5 slogans of PML-N had revealed connotative meaning. The details are given as below:
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf slogans
The following are the slogans of PTI, which revealed the connotative meaning.
Banega Naya Pakistan
The word Naya literally means new. In this slogan, it does not mean a new or another Pakistan; rather, it gives a connotative meaning which suggests a different Pakistan which will have no corruption and will have justice and equality, transformed education system, security to all citizens, in short, a developed welfare state of Pakistan.
Mujhe Kyun nikala?
The word nikala literally means to drive out. This slogan, it gives a connotative meaning which connotes the removal of Nawaz Sharif from his seat as a Prime Minister. The slogan was used to present a negative image of Nawaz Sharif.
Gali gali mai shor hai- Nawaz Sharif chor hai
The word shor literally means noise but in this slogan it gives a connotative meaning which suggests that everyone is speaking about Nawaz Sharif corruption. The word chor literally means a thief. In this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning which suggests the corruption. The slogan was deliberately composed for the negative presentation of Nawza Sharif.
Gali gali mai shor hai- sara tabbar chor hai
The word shor literally means noise but in this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning which suggests that everyone is speaking about the corrupt family of Nawaz Sharif. In this slogan, tabbar which literally means a family is connotatively used to suggest the family of Nawaz Sharif. This slogan also portrays a negative image of the family of Nawaz Sharif.
Modi ka jo yar hai- ghaddar hai ghaddar hai
In this slogan, yar literally means friend and ghaddar literally means not loyal to his country. These are used connotatively to refer to Nawaz Sharif. The slogan has been connotatively used for the negative presentation of Nawaz Sharif and reducing his support of the public.
Na teri vaari na meri vaari- ait k Imran de vaari
In this slogan, teri, which literally means yours, and meri, literally means mine, both are connotatively used for vaari (turn/chance) of Nazwaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari.
Aai aai - PTI
The word aai literally means has come. In this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning that PTI will win the elections this time (2018).
Hum sab ka Pakistan- Do nahi, aik Pakistan
The words do nahi aik literally mean one-not two. In this slogan, they give a connotative meaning which suggests one impartial system in Pakistan which will treat all citizens equally and honorably (not favoring one over the other).
Ooper Allah, nichay- Imran Khan
The word nichay literally means down. In this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning which suggests that down on the earth Imran Khan is our protector. This slogan presents a positive image of Imran Khan as the sole person who can save the country.
Hum banayengay- naya Pakistan
The word naya literally means new. In this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning which suggests a different and new Pakistan which will have no corruption and will have justice and equality. The slogan has been used to present a positive image of PTI to make Pakistan a just and corruption-free nation.
Zinda hai Karachi zinda hai
The word zinda literally means alive. In this slogan, it gives a connotative meaning that Karachi, this time will stand for its rights.
Patang ko kis nay ujarra- Patel Para Patel Para
In this slogan, patang, which literally means a kite is connotatively used to connote Mutahidda Qaumi Movement (MQM) because the kite is the election symbol of MQM political party. Patel Para is the name of one of the neighborhoods of Karachi, but in this slogan it connotes the people of Patel Para who will support PTI and beat MQM. The slogan is presenting a positive image of PTI and a negative image of MQM.
Teer ko kis nay latarra- Patel Para Patel Para
In this slogan, teer which literally means an arrow is connotatively used to suggest PPP because teer is the
election symbol of PPP. Patel Para stands for the people of the region who will support PTI and beat PPP. The slogan is presenting a positive image of PTI and a negative image of PPP.
kitab ko kis nay picharra- Patel Para Patel Para
In this slogan, kitab which literally means a book, is connotatively used to suggest Mutahidda Majis-e-amal (MMA) because book is the election symbol of MMA political party. Patel Para stands for the people of the region who will support PTI and beat MMA. The slogan is presenting a positive image of PTI and a negative image of MMA.
Ballay ko diya kis nay sahara- Patel Para Patel Para
In this slogan, balla which literally means a bat, is connotatively used to suggest PTI because bat is the election symbol of PTI. Patel Para stands for the people of the region who will support PTI.
Agli bari- Sindh ke sab se barri bemari- Asif Zardari
The words agli bari literally means next turn. In this slogan, they suggest a connotative meaning of sending Asif Ali Zardari to jail. The slogan has been used tactically for presenting a negative image of Asif Ali Zardari as a corrupt leader.
Laltain- Tabah d destroyed
This slogan is in the Pashto language raised by Pashtun candidate of PTI. In this slogan, laltain, which literally means a lantern in Pashto is connotatively used to suggest Awami National Party ANP because laltain is the election symbol of ANP. The word tabah literally means destroyed. In this slogan, it suggests a connotative meaning that ANP will not win in the coming elections (2018). The slogan has been used for self-glorification that PTI will beat ANP.
Laltain- Tabah na d-Laltain mukammal tabah d
This slogan is in the Pashto language raised by Pashtun candidate of PTI. In this slogan, laltain which literally means a lantern in Pashto is connotatively used to suggest ANP because laltain is the election symbol of ANP. The words mukammal tabah literally means fully destroyed. In this slogan, they suggest a connotative meaning that ANP will never win in the elections. The slogan has been used for self-glorification that PTI will beat ANP.
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon slogans
Following are the slogans of PML-N, which revealed the connotative meaning.
Na-ehli-Namanzoor namanzoor
The word na-ehli literally means incapability. In this slogan, it suggests a connotative meaning of the decision of disqualification of Nawaz Sharif that it is unacceptable. Nawaz Sharif was disqualified by the court in 2017 for being dishonest to the parliament and courts in not disclosing his service in Dubai based company.
Ye faisla kya ap ko manzoor hai? - Namanzoor namanzoor
The word faisla literally means decision. In this slogan, it connotes the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif. The slogan has been used for showing disagreement over the decision.
Imran Zardari Bhai Bhai
The words bhai bhai literally mean brothers. In this slogan, they suggest a connotative meaning of friendship
between Imran Khan and Asif Ali Zardari. The slogan was used by Maryam Nawaz Sharif to present a
negative image of the friendship of Imran Khan and Asif Ali Zardari.
Nawaz Sharif k khilaf faisla namanzoor namanzoor
The word faisla literally means decision. In this slogan, it connotes the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif. The slogan has been used to show their disagreement over disqualification.
Mujhe kyun nikala
The word nikala literally means to drive out. This slogan, gives a connotative meaning implying the removal of Nawaz Sharif from his seat as a Prime Minister. The slogan was raised by Nawaz Sharif to ask for the reason for his removal from the seat.
Reflected Meaning
The second category of the associative meaning that has been analyzed is the reflected meaning. The slogans of PTI, which revealed the reflected meaning, are analyzed first and then followed by PML-N. The analysis showed that 5 slogans of PTI out of 38 and 5 slogans of PML-N out of 35 have revealed reflected meaning. The analysis has been given below.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf slogans
The following are the slogans of PTI which revealed the reflected meaning.
Gali gali mai shor hai- Nawaz Sharif chor hai
In this slogan, galigali reflect the meaning of everywhere. The slogan provides a clear negative image of Nawaz Sharif that everywhere he is declared as a corrupt politician.
Gali gali mai shor hai- sara tabbar chor hai
In this slogan, gali gali reflect the meaning of everywhere. The slogan declares Nawaz family as a corrupt one and presents their negative image.
Naara e takbeer-Allah o Akbar
In this slogan, takbeer is used to reflect the meaning of the greatest.
Naara e risalat- Ya Rasool Allah
In this slogan, risalat gives the reflected meaning of the messenger.
Naara e Hyderi- Ya Ali
In this slogan, Hyderi is used to reflect the meaning of a lion which was a name used for Hazrat Ali (RA).
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon slogans
The following are the slogans of PML-N, which revealed the reflected meaning.
Ye faisla kya ap ko manzoor hai- Namanzoor namanzoor
The word faisla literally means decision. In this slogan, it gives a reflected meaning of disqualification of Nawaz Sharif.
Nawaz Sharif k khilaf faisla Namanzoor namanzoor
The word faisla literally means decision. In this slogan, it gives a reflected meaning of disqualification of
Nawaz Sharif. The slogan is used for presenting a positive image of Nawaz Sharif because the supporters
still consider him as their leader
Teri awaz, meri awaz Maryam Nawaz Maryam Nawaz
The word teri literally means yours, and meri means mine. In this slogan, they are used to reflect the meaning of everyone. This slogan has been used for presenting a positive picture of Maryam Nawaz when the supporters chant in her favor.
Iqama faisla- namanzoor
The words iqama faisla literally means the decision of iqama. In this slogan, it gives a reflected meaning of disqualification of Nawaz Sharif. The slogan has been raised for positive self-presentation to show the disagreement of people regarding the Iqama decision
Na ehli ka faisla- namanzoor
The word na-ehli literally means incapability. In this slogan, it gives a reflected meaning of the decision of disqualification of Nawaz Sharif. This slogan is used for positive self-presentation to show that people still consider Nawza Sharif as their leader.
Social meaning
The third category of the associative meaning that has been analyzed is the social meaning. The slogans of PTI, which revealed the social meaning, are analyzed first and then followed by PML-N. The analysis showed that 3 slogans of PTI out of 38 and 11 slogans of PML-N out of 35 had revealed social meaning. The analysis has been given below.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf slogans
The following are the slogans of PTI, which revealed the social meaning.
Cut k rahega Hindustan-ban k rahega Pakistan
This slogan was raised during the time of the partition of the subcontinent. The slogan gives a glimpse of the social conditions of that time that the Muslims wanted a separate state because they were not given their due rights.
Kon bachayega Pakistan- Imran Khan Imran Khan
The word bachayega, which literally means to save, in this slogan gives a glimpse of the condition of Pakistan. This slogan was raised by PTI supporters at a time when there was corruption in the country. The slogan has been purposively used to presents a positive image of Imran Khan as the sole person who can save the country.
Bhat k rahega Hindustan- lay k rahengay Pakistan
This slogan was raised during the time of the partition of Hindustan. The slogan gives a glimpse of the social conditions of that time that the Muslims wanted a separate state because they were not given their due rights.
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon slogans
All of the following slogans give a social meaning because the word izzat, which means respect gives a glimpse of the conditions of Pakistan. The slogans have been used for presenting a positive image of Nawaz Sharif as he was chosen by the people of Pakistan. The slogan was raised by PML-N after the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif from his seat as a Prime Minister in 2017 to show that there is no respect for the vote or voter in the country. There is also no respect given to the elected Prime Minister or the elected representatives.
Vote ko izzat do
Pakistan ko izzat do
Qaum ko izzat do
Awam k faislay ko izzat do
Meri awam ko izzat do
Wazir- e Azam ko izzat do
Muntakhib Wazir-e-Azam ko izzat do
Muntakhib numaindon ko izzat do
Awam ko izzat do
Awam k vote ke parchi ko izzat do
Awam k numaindo ko izzat do
Affective meaning
The fourth category of the associative meaning that has been analyzed is the affective meaning. The slogans of PTI, which revealed the affective meaning, are analyzed first and then followed by PML-N. The analysis showed that 9 slogans of PTI out of 38and 12 slogans of PML-N out of 35 had revealed affective meaning. The analysis has been given below.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf slogans
The following are the slogans of PTI, which revealed the affective meaning.
Naara e Imran- Jeay Imran
In this slogan, the supporters use the word jeay, which means long life. It gives an affective meaning showing their love for their leader Imran Khan. The supporters chant this slogan for presenting a positive image of Imran Khan as a capable leader.
Amir bhai qadam barhao hum tumharay sath hai
In this slogan, the word sath literally means support gives an affective meaning as the supporters show their love and support. The slogan was chanted by the supporters for presenting a positive image of their leader by showing their support.
Mardan ka ye naara hai Atif Khan hamara hai
The word hamara means ours. The supporters show their love for their leader Atif Khan that he is ours, and we will support him.
In the following slogans, the word zindabad conveys an affective meaning. Zindabad means long to live.
Atif khan- zindabad
Pakistan –zindabad
Imran khan-zindabad
Sheikh Rasheed-zindabad
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon slogans
The following are the slogans of PML-N, which revealed the affective meaning.
Mian sahib qadam barhao Hum tumharay sath hai
In this slogan, the word sath it literally means support, gives an affective meaning as the supporters show their love and support for Nawaz Sharif. He has been presented positively in this slogan by showing their support for Nawaz Sharif.
In the following slogans, the word zindabad and paindabad convey an affective meaning. Both of them mean long live.
Pakistan- zindabad
Quaid-e-Azam zindabad
Nawaz Sharif zindabad
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon zindabad
Peshawar zindabad
Pakistan paindabad
Qadam barhao Nawza Sharif Hum tumharay sath hai
In this slogan the word sath it literally means support, gives an affective meaning as the supporters show their love and support Nawaz Sharif. By showing their love and support, the image of Nawaz Sharif has been positively presented.
Go Imran go
The word go in this slogan shows the attitude of the supporters of PML-N and their dislike for Imran Khan. PML-N supporters chant this slogan to present a negative image of Imran Khan.
Ro Imran ro
The word ro means to cry. This slogan shows the attitude of the supporters of PML-N and their dislike for Imran Khan. Supporters of PML-N have presented a negative image of Imran Khan through this slogan.
Mian sahib I love you
This slogan gives an affective meaning because the supporters show their love for Nawaz Sharif by saying I love you.
JIT murdabad
PML-N supporters show their hatred for the JIT (Joint Investigation Team); therefore, the slogan coveys an affective meaning by the use of murdabad, which is used for showing antagonism. JIT was formed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan to investigate the business dealings of Sharif’s family, and in its report, it found Nawaz Sharif as dishonest for not properly disclosing the real source of income of his family, hence, leading to Nawaz’s disqualification from his seat. Therefore, this slogan was raised by PML-N supporters to show their hatred.
Collocative meaning
The fifth and last category of the associative meaning that has been analyzed is the collocative meaning. The slogans of PTI, which revealed the collocative meaning, are analyzed first and then followed by PML-N. The analysis showed that 5 slogans of PTI out of 38and 4 slogans of PML-N out of 35 had revealed collocative meaning. The analysis has been given below.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf slogans
The following are the slogans of PTI, which revealed the collocative meaning.
Naara e takbeer-Allah o Akbar
The words takbeer and Allah o Akbar are used collectively, which means Allah is the greatest of all. They are usually used together.
Naara e risalat- Ya Rasool Allah
The words risalat and Rasool Allah are used collectively because Risalat means to convey the message of Allah, and Rasool Allah refers to the messenger of Allah. They are usually used together.
Naara e Hyderi- Ya Ali
The words Hyderi and Ali are used collectively because Hyderi means lion, and Hazrat Ali (RA) was given the title of a lion. They are usually used together.
Ooper Allah, nichay- Imran Khan
The words ooper (up) and nichay (down) are antonyms and have been used collocatively in this slogan. Declaring Imran Khan as the only able leader to save the country, this slogan has been used for positive-self presentation.
Nar leader, Pukhtun leader Atif leader Atif leader
This is a slogan in Pashto language. The word nar means brave in Pashto and Pukhtun is also known for their bravery. In this slogan nar, Pukhtun and leader have been used collocatively. The slogan has been used for the positive self-presentation of Atif Khan.
Pakistan Muslim League-Noon slogans
The following are the slogans of PML-N which revealed the collocative meaning.
Muntakhib Wazir-e-Azam ko izzat do
The words muntakhib (elected) and wazir-e-Azam (Prime Minister) have been used collocatively. The slogan has been used for positive self-presentation showing that Nawaz Sharif was the choice of public
Muntakhib numaindon ko izzat do
The words muntakhib (elected) and numaindon (representatives) have been used collocatively. The slogan has been used to show that candidates of PML-N are chosen by the public, therefore the slogan has been used for positive self-presentation.
Awam k vote ke parchi ko izzat do
The words vote and parchi (ballot paper) have been used collocatively. This slogan has been used for positive self-presentation because the public selected PML-N candidates as their representatives.
Awam k numaindo ko izzat do
The words awam (public) and numaindon (elected representatives) have been used collocatively. The slogan shows that PML-N candidates are the true representatives of the public, hence used for positive self-presentation.
In the light of the analysis of the selected slogans, it was found that mostly, political slogans covey meaning connotatively. The second type of meaning that was used mostly, is the use of affective meaning. Below given is the summarized analysis of the data in the form a table 1.
Table 1. Semantic Analysis
S. No |
Type of
Associative Meaning |
PTI (38) |
(35) |
1 |
Connotative |
18 |
5 |
2 |
Reflected |
5 |
5 |
3 |
Social |
3 |
11 |
4 |
Affective |
9 |
12 |
5 |
Collocative |
5 |
4 |
From the semantic analysis, it was also found
that political leaders use these slogans for positive self-presentation and
negative others. For example, the slogans of PTI Banega naya Pakistan, Kon bachayega Pakistan- Imran Khan Imran Khan,
Ooper Allah, nichay- Imran Khan, Hum banayengay- naya Pakistan, Nar leader
Pukhtun leader Atif leader Atif leader, are the slogans used for positive
self-presentation. While examples of slogans used for the negative image of
others were Gali gali mai shor hai- Nawaz
Sharif chor hai, has been used for presenting a negative image of PML-N
party leaders. The slogan Agli bari-
Sindh ke sab se barri bemari- Asif Zardari presents a negative image of
Asif Ali Zardari of PPP. And the slogan Laltain
tabah na d-Laltain mukammal tabah d for destroying the image of Awami
National Party.
PML-N also used slogans for positive self-presentation i.e. Vote ko izzat do, Dekho dekho kon aya Sher aya sher aya, Teri awaz, meri awaz Maryam Nawaz Maryam Nawaz, Na ehli ka faisla- namanzoor. Similarly they also used slogans for negative others presentation as Imran Zardari Bhai bhai for presenting a negative picture of Asif Ali Zardari and Imran Khan. Other slogans being Go Imran go, Ro Imran ro, JIT murdabad.
Political slogans have always been used by political figures during election campaigns in Pakistan and played a significant role in their victory. They have always been raised by political leaders in persuasive language for convincing their audience. The present study attempted to semantically analyze the selected political slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon chanted during the election campaign of 2018 in Pakistan and found that political slogans in Pakistan were composed in a way to give connotative, reflected, social, affective and collocative meanings and were used for self-glorification. Furthermore, it was also found that slogans are also helpful in giving an insight into the political and social conditions, as well as tactfully composed party slogans are also used for presenting a positive-self-image and negative others image. Moreover, slogans play a significant role in election campaigns because they are raised by the leaders and candidates to gain the support of the public, win their hearts and favor, propagate their visions, give a glimpse of the conditions, emphasize an idea.
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APA : Akram, A. G., & Iqbal, L. (2020). A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon. Global Political Review, V(III), 100-114. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2020(V-III).10
CHICAGO : Akram, Aiman Gul, and Liaqat Iqbal. 2020. "A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon." Global Political Review, V (III): 100-114 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-III).10
HARVARD : AKRAM, A. G. & IQBAL, L. 2020. A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon. Global Political Review, V, 100-114.
MHRA : Akram, Aiman Gul, and Liaqat Iqbal. 2020. "A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon." Global Political Review, V: 100-114
MLA : Akram, Aiman Gul, and Liaqat Iqbal. "A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon." Global Political Review, V.III (2020): 100-114 Print.
OXFORD : Akram, Aiman Gul and Iqbal, Liaqat (2020), "A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon", Global Political Review, V (III), 100-114
TURABIAN : Akram, Aiman Gul, and Liaqat Iqbal. "A Semantic Analysis of the Political Slogans of Pakistan Tehreek-Insaf and Pakistan Muslim League-Noon." Global Political Review V, no. III (2020): 100-114. https://doi.org/10.31703/gpr.2020(V-III).10