05 Pages : 35 - 47      10.31703/gpr.2022(VII-I).05      Published : Mar 2022

Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity

    This study analyzes the traditional water fetching practices,water usage, and scarcity in the Village Kumar Bandi Muzaffarabad.Overall, 93 respondents of the local community of Kumar Bandi were approached. Data has been collected through an interview guide by convenient and purposive sampling. A descriptive model of data collection has been used for acquiring the information. The study draws essential attention to the most critical factor: the abnormal impacts of water fetching on different aspects of water fetching an individual's life, the most important of which is health. The issue of water scarcity has caused damage to religious and traditional local practices besides the danger of whether the water utilized is recommended for use or not. Along with women's health and the educational development of children, Water fetching has adverse effects on people's social, religious, economic, kinship, and cultural life of people.

    Experiences, Maternal child health, Perceptions, Psychological stress, Water fetching, Water Scarcity, Water stress.
    (1) Aleena
    MPhil Scholar, Department of Anthropology, Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Aneela Sultana
    Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Aleena, , and Aneela Sultana. 2022. "Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity." Global Political Review, VII (I): 35 - 47 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2022(VII-I).05
    HARVARD : ALEENA. & SULTANA, A. 2022. Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity. Global Political Review, VII, 35 - 47.
    MHRA : Aleena, , and Aneela Sultana. 2022. "Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity." Global Political Review, VII: 35 - 47
    MLA : Aleena, , and Aneela Sultana. "Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity." Global Political Review, VII.I (2022): 35 - 47 Print.
    OXFORD : Aleena, and Sultana, Aneela (2022), "Traditional Water Fetching Practices, Water Usage, and Scarcity", Global Political Review, VII (I), 35 - 47