Published : Mar 2019
Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan
Civil-military relations in developing countries are at the heart of a central concern of democracy. In Pakistan, the same has not only been turbulent throughout our history; it has also been an uneasy relationship with frequent military interventions. However, in Pakistan military has come to identify itself with the state rather than just one of the key components of a constitutional state. The Agency Theory, based on Principal-Agent relation, has been applied by many to explain the 1999 Musharraf takeover in Pakistan. The intervention is justified on many grounds. But what is more interesting is the fact it is welcomed in a country where people at large long for democracy and cherish democratic ideals.
Civil-military relations, Democracy, Interventions, Agency theory,
(1) Shaukat
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, AWKUM, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Zahir Shah
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, AWKUM, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Afzaal Amin
MPhil. Scholar, Department of Political Science, AWKUM, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Shaukat., Shah, Z., & Amin, A. (2019). Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan. Global Political Review, IV(I), 62-70.
CHICAGO : Shaukat, , Zahir Shah, and Afzaal Amin. 2019. "Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan." Global Political Review, IV (I): 62-70 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-I).07
HARVARD : SHAUKAT., SHAH, Z. & AMIN, A. 2019. Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan. Global Political Review, IV, 62-70.
MHRA : Shaukat, , Zahir Shah, and Afzaal Amin. 2019. "Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan." Global Political Review, IV: 62-70
MLA : Shaukat, , Zahir Shah, and Afzaal Amin. "Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan." Global Political Review, IV.I (2019): 62-70 Print.
OXFORD : Shaukat, , Shah, Zahir, and Amin, Afzaal (2019), "Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan", Global Political Review, IV (I), 62-70
TURABIAN : Shaukat, , Zahir Shah, and Afzaal Amin. "Governance and Recurrent Military Takeover Prospects: A Case Study of Pakistan." Global Political Review IV, no. I (2019): 62-70.