Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach
The present research focused on how much Pakistani English press tracked the foreign policy stance of the Pakistani government in the presentation of incidents related to the war on terror. Pakistani authorities reinforced war on terror and Afghanistan war but did not support the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. For the present analysis, the editorials of Dawn and the Nation were selected from 12 September 2001 to 11 September 2003. Thematic analysis of the editorial coverage through NVIVO 10 was conducted. It was found that, during the war against Afghanistan that took place in 2001, Pakistani English press did not support the Pakistani governments stance. Many critical themes were noted from the data. However, during Iraq war that happened in 2003, Pakistani English press toed the Pakistani governments policy during and stressed the government to take more proactive stance against Iraq war. Overall, it could be stated that the Pakistani English press partially conformed the foreign policy stance of Pakistani government.
Pakistani English Press, War on Terror, Media Conformity Theory, Editorials, Thematic Analysis.
(1) Aasima Safdar
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies,Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Samia Manzoor
Assistant Professor,Department of Communication Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Aqsa Iram Shahzadi
Assistant Professor,Department of Communication Studies,Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Safdar, A., Manzoor, S., & Shahzadi, A. I. (2020). Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach. Global Political Review, V(I), 19-28.
CHICAGO : Safdar, Aasima, Samia Manzoor, and Aqsa Iram Shahzadi. 2020. "Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach." Global Political Review, V (I): 19-28 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2020(V-I).03
HARVARD : SAFDAR, A., MANZOOR, S. & SHAHZADI, A. I. 2020. Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach. Global Political Review, V, 19-28.
MHRA : Safdar, Aasima, Samia Manzoor, and Aqsa Iram Shahzadi. 2020. "Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach." Global Political Review, V: 19-28
MLA : Safdar, Aasima, Samia Manzoor, and Aqsa Iram Shahzadi. "Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach." Global Political Review, V.I (2020): 19-28 Print.
OXFORD : Safdar, Aasima, Manzoor, Samia, and Shahzadi, Aqsa Iram (2020), "Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach", Global Political Review, V (I), 19-28
TURABIAN : Safdar, Aasima, Samia Manzoor, and Aqsa Iram Shahzadi. "Pakistani English Press during War on Terror: A Media Conformity Approach." Global Political Review V, no. I (2020): 19-28.