Authored by : Sana Hussan , Gohar Rahman , Ayaz Ahmad Aryan

24 Pages : 251-60


    This study aims to delineate the idea that the working class is exploited due to economic disparity and social inequality. The sufferings of the lower class aggravate and it pretends to behave like the owner class through physical appearances. According to Marxism, the subjugation of the lower class is caused by the lack of opportunities and dispossession to own the means of production. The study deals with the application of Marxism in the short story The Moustache by Tariq Rahman. Rahman in this story highlights the sufferings of the lower class in the feudal system of Pakistan. The characters of Dadu and Shafaqat belong to the working class and live downtrodden life. They struggle for their survival and suffer both physically and financially in the existing feudal system. The study also seeks to recommend ways to wipe out class discrimination in society in light of Marxism.


    Marxism, Class Struggle, Bourgeoisie, Proletaria


    The writers usually depict the societal norms and social evils of their regions. In this regard, Pakistani writers not only represented their country but also gained international acclaim and won prestigious international awards. Pakistani writers focus on the deprivation and aspirations of poor people and compare them with affluent ones. Tariq Rahman is an example of such a writer who writes about the discrimination of the poor and the huge gap existing between the working class and its employers. Tariq Rahman presents situations of the lower class in his native country in a sophisticated way. Being one of the top-notch Pakistani writers, he truly depicts Pakistani society through his writings. Pakistani mindset can be seen throughout his stories. He is not influenced by any foreign writer; though, he makes his way through his writings. His writings are the manifestation of his thoughts and the events happening in Pakistan. He is highly concerned about social problems happening around him. It is proved by the fact that his writings mainly focus on the struggle of the poor and the mountainous gap existing between the lower class and the elites.

    In the short story, The Moustache, Tariq Rahman speaks about the tradition of sporting a healthy moustache. There is great pride, honour, and dignity associated with a moustache. The narrator's family cultivates a piece of land but his family members are not ready to work as labourers in their fields and migrate to another village where they are welcomed by Chaudhary of the village. Initially, there is no talk of moustaches because they are striving for food. Then Allah Dad grows a healthy moustache and his family's elders think that it is the blessing of Allah upon them, as they believe that Allah has restored the family's honour. They think that Dadu's moustache should not be cut down because they are not workers. Dadu's mother invokes the blessings of saints upon her son. But one day, Dadu is abused and beaten by 

    Chaudhry's men. They also cut down his moustache and tell him that he and his family members are the cheap people of the village, and are not allowed to grow a moustache.

    Later on, the narrator marries Dadu's sister. She remembers the dashing moustache of her brother. She tells the stories of Dadu's moustache to her son: Shafaqat. She does not know about the pettiness and weakness of Dadu. They go back to the village after a long time, there is still talk of Dadu's moustache, which inspires Shafaqat who wants to become a soldier. He joins the army and after some time, his upright moustache is well-grown. When he returns village, he is worshipped like a hero. However, one day, his uncle and family want Shafaqat to meet a Patwari. Hence, they want to meet Shafaqat in the Bungalow where Shafaqat is working in rooms washing dishes and a woman abuses him. The officer is not as tall as Shafaqat and neither has he had an impressive moustache like Shafaqat but he orders Shafaqat. On, seeing Shafaqat in this miserable situation, they come back home.

    This study examines Marxist analysis in Tariq Rahman's short story The Moustache. The researchers intend to delimit this study to the theory of Marxism. The researchers’ aim in this study is to examine the role of the economy in shaping the social status of humans; empowering one class while subjugating the other class. Economic fragility leads to suppression whereas financial stability paves way for freedom from the chains of slavery. Financial stability gives insurmountable power to the elite class and enables them to dominate the lower peripheries of society. On multiple occasions, they misuse their power and enslave the lower class of society. In this context, the researchers intend to apply the theoretical foundations of Marxism to Tariq Rahman's short story The Moustache.

    Karl Marx figured out that the economy is the significant determiner in all other realities of life, such as religion, class, creed, culture, education, etc. According to Karl Marx, human societies are divided into different groups on the bases of ownership of material goods and wealth. The bourgeoisie or the capitalist class owns the wealth and means of production and also controls the proletariat or the working class. It shows that economy is the controlling factor in all other spheres of life. Marxism advocates that the consciousness of men does not determine their existence but their social existence determines their consciousness. Hence, Marxism shows the plight of the proletariat and advocates the rights of the working class. It also suggests some solutions for the emancipation of the Proletariat.

    In this study, the researchers aim to apply the theory of class struggle against the backdrop of Marxism. The researchers plan to apply the selected theory to Tariq Rahman's short story The Moustache, and the purpose of this research is to see the portrayal of struggle by the downtrodden characters in the presence of the bourgeoisie and capitalism. The working class has been a victim of physical exploitation, economic deprivation, and domination in all walks of life. The proletariat remains a victim of marginalization, owing to their financial conditions. Marxism brings the problems of the working class to the limelight and suggests workable solutions for the sufferings of the proletariat. Marxism points out that economic independence leads to prosperity, happiness, stability, and harmony. It abolishes the oppressions and sufferings of the proletariat and provides a conducive environment for the proletariat as well as for the bourgeoisie.

    The proletariat works from dawn to dusk, and Marxism appropriately highlights the role of life-long slaves in the shape of the plight of the working class. The lower class remains deprived of property and due respect whereas the elite class owns a more privileged position because of the control it possesses over the system and means of production. This permits the bourgeoisie to discriminate against the proletariat in different walks of life. This malicious practice leads to a class conflict between the owner class and the working class. The surplus income is kept by the owner class, although it is earned with the hardships of the working class. According to Marxism, the economy is the controlling factor in determining the wealth of individuals. The owner class, with a highly influential position, leads a luxurious life and relegates the working class. The characters belonging to the working class are subjected to exploitation at social and economic levels. The selected store and its texts deal with the marginalized class: the working class and the problem is real.

    Class struggle has badly affected society throughout the world. The working class has been pushed back which creates many issues for its survival. Here, in the story, TheMoustacheit is found to what extent Tariq Rahman depicts the false consciousness of society about moustaches and how the working class pretends to be an elite class. This study is done against the backdrop of Marxism.

    According to the theory of Marxism, the social worth of individuals is determined by the possession of their material wealth. Life with self-esteem and self-respect is rarely possible for financially deprived individuals. Those living with no or less material wealth are marginalized and are forced to live pathetic life with poor standards of living. Hence, different writers documented the socioeconomic conditions of their societies. This study focuses on the marginalized class of society as depicted by Tariq Rahman in his story The Moustache. Poverty and economic dispossession are the controlling factors in excluding the working class from the normal way of life. This research aims to point out the downtrodden conditions of the proletariat in the story The Moustache by applying Marxism.

    The main purpose of this study is to highlight the role of the economy and social status in shaping society and how economic wellness and prosperity are the prerequisites of power. Similarly, when the bourgeoisie gains power, it exploits the proletariat. This study also investigates how the lower class pretends to be the upper class in Tariq Rahman's short story, The Moustache. This research is significant to expose the dispossession and exploitation of the lower class and the power that the upper class possesses, based on the same power, the upper class relegates the lower class in all walks of life and there emerges a contrasting relationship between the two classes as evident from the writings of Tariq Rahman in his short story The Moustache; this contrasting relation is called the class conflict in the context of Marxism. The Marxist theory is highly essential because it advocates the voice of the lower class, and it seeks to bring a social change where the "means of production" are equally owned by both these classes. Marxism strives to create harmony in both these classes, whereby both these classes could enjoy equality, freedom, liberty, and equal status. This study also recommends ways in which the lower class can liberate itself from the existing system of exploitation.

    The causes of the lower class oppression in the prism of Marxism are profoundly explained in this research. The possession and ownership of property give the upper class a socially superior position over the lower class. In the social sector of life, the upper class dominates the lower class and it is depicted in the short story The Moustache where the Chaudhry and his men explicitly dominate Dadu while Shafaqat is ill-treated by the officer’s wife. Both these characters belong to the lower class and are thus dominated by the characters belonging to the upper class.

    The Moustache short story is written in the Pakistani context but this research has an equal significance across the globe as well, because it highlights how social and economic disparities are used against the lower class. The existing system only caters for the elite class and it exploits the lower class in multiple ways. This study is highly significant not only in Pakistani rural society but also in the global context because it explores the reasons behind the exploitation of the lower class in any society. This research can help in the identification of the global problem of class conflict against the backdrop of Marxism. This research also recommends ways by which this huge gap between the owner and the working class can be abolished. This research can also bring a positive change for the proletariat in Pakistan as well as in the world. This positive change can bring the bourgeoisie and the proletariat together.

    This study aims to analyze Tariq Rahman's short story The Moustache against the backdrop of Marxism.  The Marxist theory is associated with various fields of knowledge, such as political, economic, philosophical, cultural, and religious fields. This work does not discuss all fields related to Marxism. Although, this research studies the interconnection of these fields but the main emphasis lies on the social disparity and class conflict in the backdrop of Marxism.

    Marx's writings and literature are in the German language. Therefore, the researchers depend upon the English translation of Marx's writings through different sources. Furthermore, the study is limited to the study of Marx's understanding of society and the impacts of economic disparity on society.

    Literature Review

    Many writers and critics in the twentieth century are found to have a profound interest in the Marxist theory, class conflict, and the existing disparity in society. These writers not only highlighted the inequality in society but also depicted the exploitative nature of capitalism. Writers belonging to native English regions; like Steinbeck and many others have highlighted the exploitation of the working class in their writings in their respective regions. Similarly, non-native writers also won great fame through their Marxist writings. One such writer is Tariq Rahman, who depicts the conflict between the owner and the working class in his short story The Moustache. In this regard, a famous American Marxist critic Fredric Jameson gives reference to Marx and Engel in his work "On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act" as under:

    The history of all existing societies is the history of class struggle. Freeman and slave, master and servant, feudal and peasant always stand in endless opposition to one another, and there exists animosity between the two classes. (Marx & Engels, 1969).As quoted by Fredric Jameson, Marx figured out the class conflict through magnanimous words where freemen and slaves are always in a conflict. Similarly, the lords and servants are at opposite poles of life, and there is a contrasting relationship between these two classes as shown by Marxism. Karl Marx pointed out that this relation is historical and the conflict is ages old.

    In this current era of inequality, crisis, war, and rapidly growing instability, Marxism is becoming central to labourers and underprivileged factions of society. Marxism can't be called irrelevant or obsolete because there are many books and articles released each year to attack Marxism. If Marxism was irrelevant, then all these publications would be futile, but the reality stands clearly with Marxism. Marxism is also called scientific socialism and it advocates a strong voice for attaining an appropriate form of human society called socialism. (Sewell and Woods, 2000).

    Marxism highlights the class conflict in society and the way through which the owner class dominates the working class. Class is a group of 

    individuals standing in a common relation to the "means of production"; how people earn their breed and butter. Before the industrial revolution, pieces of land and tools of agriculture were the means of production. And these were owned by the feudal lords. Hence, historically the two classes were the landowners (the bourgeoisie) and the peasants (the proletariat) (Giddens, 1991).

    Roy (1997) laments the exploitation of capitalism in India in her novel The God of Small Things (1997), where she paints a true picture of the failure of communism in eradicating the class system. Class conflict and social inequality are unavoidable due to the strong caste system. Velutha’s character in the novel has to suffer despite being the staunch supporter of communism because he belongs to a negligible segment of society. The existing class system is strongly inherited by India and it cannot be abolished easily even if communism begins ruling the country.

    Singh (1989) alludes to Marx that his "new principles for the world" were developed out of "the principles of the existing world". Singh's opinion states clearly that Marxism can challenge power, which hampers its way; its target is to bring a better change in society.

    Hafiz (2020) examined Bangladeshi society during the COVID-19 crisis where poor workers of Bangladesh were sandwiched between the pandemic and severe economic crisis. The study focused on both the economic crises and the failure to follow the precautionary measures for disease in poor slums. The study suggested that instead of throwing money at big corporations, the government must invest in workers. Further, the existing system is rotten and the establishment of a planned economy under a socialist society is inevitable.

    Carlos (2020) compared the response of China to COVID-19 with that of the major western capitalist countries. The study showed evidence that China has tackled the pandemic in a more organized way by utilizing governmental resources, economic packages, and human resources more effectively. In countries, such as the US and the UK, the response to COVID-19 was insufficient and as a result, these countries were no way near China's level of success. The study suggested that Marxism is far superior to capitalism when it comes to meeting people's basic needs and protecting the most fundamental human right: the right to life.

    Abbasi, M. I (2020) emphasized cultural materialism from the perspective of Karl Marx. There had been constant conflict between classes when it comes to the marginalized segment 

    of society and money is synonymous with power. The paper discussed how marginalization is an ideological perspective with the extinction of progress and there is a constant conflict of war in both politics and literature when it comes to the marginalization of specific classes. The study not only showed that literature is a product of the time to which it belongs but also depicted the Marxist perspective of literature, as it is the result of the conflict of socio-economic classes.

    Karat (2000) conducted a Marxist analysis of Indian society that how the social and class exploitation by the ruling class has kept the largest part of the Indian population in the thrall of suppression. The study is conducted on the bases of the vicious cycle of hunger, disease, illiteracy, and poverty. The study suggests that Marxism is the only method and viewpoint which can provide the suppressed class with the intellectual, political, and social struggle that can help in attaining a classless society.

    Munir (2018) examined the law-making, law-breaking, and rule of law in Pakistan while quoting 

    the Marxist theory about law as the tool of the ruling class. The study elaborates on the use and abuse of law according to the interests of the ruling class. The study suggested a socialist society where the power of the bourgeoisie will be minimized.

    Mishra (2018) analyzed Indian society through the lens of Marxism by saying that the ruling class not only rules the masses but the ideas as well. The conducted study elaborates that material production has a greater effect on mental production. The study suggests a new wave of revolutionary formation of new internationalism in Marxist principles.

    Azad (2016) advocated that the suppression and subjugation of the lower class could be vanished and be rejected by withering the current economic and political structure of the capitalist society. The study is conducted on Muhsin Hamid's novel Moth Smoke and the vision preached in the novel. The study suggested a harmonious and balanced society wiping out violence and threat.

    Research Methodology

    This research is qualitative, so obtained data is qualitative and non-numeric rather than in numbers.  According to McMillan, qualitative data 

    is based on understanding and learning through description rather than numerical data. (McMillan 1993). The data is collected from the short story The Moustache in the backdrop of Marxism. Textual Analysis is a significant method for qualitative research. The researchers intend to apply textual analysis along with the Marxist theory. Primary and secondary data are collected to precede this study more effectively.

    The primary data related to class struggle and suffering of the lower class is collected from the short story The Moustache. The secondary data is collected to support the analysis and is taken from articles, magazines, books, the Internet, and previous research, based on the same theory but on different topics. To analyze and discuss the story in a better way the data processing is done by categorizing the required information. All the data related to Marxism and the class struggle of the main characters are categorized to understand the story better.

    Theoretical Framework

    Karl Marx formulated the Marxist theory. He laid out all the notable rules and guiding principles of Marxism that contain the root cause of the exploitation of the lower class and recommended ways to liberate the lower class from the current system. Based on the literature of 19th-century, German philosophers Marx and Engels; Marxism is a political, economic, and social doctrine that strives to resolve the animosity between social classes by controlling the sources of production. Marxists think that individuals should be kept away from monopolizing the economic benefits. Marxism is contradictory to capitalism where the economy is controlled by the owner class only.

    According to Marx, private property made the upper class powerful while the lower class remained powerless owing to its relegation from the “means of production”. The upper class began controlling the revenue-generating areas and the lower class was restricted to labour work while the upper class owned the surplus income. This practice started with the advent of civilization and 

    it continues to date. The owner class gathered massive power due to the economic benefits, it possesses and consequently, it begins exploiting the lower class. These two classes are always animosity because of their contrasting interests.

    Both these classes can attain harmony in their relationship if the causes of the sufferings of the lower class are removed. Financial subjugation often leads to physical exploitation. By doing so, the lower class will have enough opportunities to take part in all activities and will contribute to the growth of society as well. Similarly, people pay attention and give respect to those who are financially stable. Thus, Marxism recommends concrete steps that could liberate the lower class from the existing subjugation.

    In the aftermath of Marxism, Leninism was developed. A political theory formulated and named after Vladimir Lenin, who is regarded as the pioneer of socialism. Leninism consists of political and economic theories developed from Marxism and Lenin's thoughts about Marxism. On the bases of Leninism, the socio-political conditions of the Russian Empire evolved and the fight for the political independence of the working class was initiated. According to Lenin, they want to achieve a fine and new societal order, where there would be no one rich or poor and all individuals of the society will work. Not a small portion of the elites, but individuals will enjoy the outcome of their labour.


    Society consists of various groups of people ranging from the wealthiest class to the poorest class. The economic disparity compels the marginalized class to strive for a better life. The economic fragility forces the lower class to live a downtrodden life. Hence, Tariq Rahman criticizes Pakistani society and sheds light on the economic disparity. He puts forward his views on the class system of society in a rural area, where the feudal system reigns. Tariq Rahman analyzes society in his visionary way of writing in the short story The Moustache. He writes in the story about Dadu that “he shouted at the top of his booming voice that he wouldn’t live the life of a slave (Rahman 1989)." It shows how much suppressed the lower peripheries of society are, where they are forced to live a slave's life, even when it comes to their physical appearance. 

    The huge gap between the lower and the upper class can be seen from their way of thinking as well. The lower class always feels marginalized and isolated, even in their thinking as well. In the same way, Tariq Rahman's work is affected by these social impacts as well. He illustrates the mindset of the labourers and the lower class that are marginalized magnanimously in his story. The characters in the story depict how the working class is isolated and oppressed.  In his literary style, he explains the struggle of the lower class of society on multiple occasions. For instance, he writes about Dadu's cousin saying, "They don't like to see kammis like us going around sporting huge moustaches. And they will see to it that it is cut down to size and droops (Rahman 1989)." The poor class is not only deprived of the luxuries of life but their physical features are also at the mercy of the upper class. Hence, the story vividly proves the class struggle in its real essence.

    Society sees the working class as worthless people; also, they are deprived of the respect they deserve.  Class struggle is evident from the fact that the landlords, feudal and even common people are always reluctant to work as labourers for themselves in their hour of need and Tariq Rahman depicts it truly in the short story The Moustache. Tariq Rahman emphasizes the poor status of labourers (working class) in the story. The story tells that the "Family, reluctant to become labourers in the land where they had employed others (Rahman 1989)." This mindset aggravates the family's struggle to earn a respectable place in society. Owing to this detrimental tradition, the family faces financial crises and its members are pushed into the long-lasting slavery of the Chaudhry. 

    Class struggle, as Marx pointed out, is the sole factor that defines the sociology of any region. The lower class feels suffocation in the current day's society and is forced to act as if they have material wealth. The working class is so marginalized that it adopts alternative ways to show its power in society. The short story The Moustache discloses the same fact, that people go for alternatives when they do not have money and want to show how much physically stronger they are. Similarly, they keep 

    healthy moustache but normally moustache is kept 

    by the lord and Chaudhry. Consequently, they become part of the class struggle. Tariq Rahman writes in his short story, “It (moustache) didn’t droop, and thank God. Dadu (that was his pet name) did not walk behind a pair of diabolically stubborn bullocks all day. And my father, secretly proud of his nephew's moustache, always differed and said it was all because God had seen fit to restore the family honour (Rahman 1989)." Hence, it manifests the fact that the lower class is forced to take this route because of the isolation they feel due to the monopoly of the upper class.

    Class struggle causes contempt and hatred between the two classes. The upper class always tends to show its hegemony over the rival lower class. The bourgeoisie always makes it difficult for the proletariat to breathe freely. Hence, the exploitation of the labourers occurs in the story. Moreover, these unending sufferings compel the proletariat to stand against the bourgeoisie and it paves way for a revolution.  The Marxist theory is 

    seen in the short story The Moustache, as it is illustrated that the gap between different classes causes class struggle. Class struggle results in a social revolution. Quote Marx, says that the conflicting relation between these forces turns into enmity and then begins the era of revolution. In the short story The Moustache, Tariq Rahman writes, “And why do you live like a badmash(wicked) in this village? Asked the other (Chaudhry’s) man (Rahman 1989).” It reveals the supreme dominance of the upper class over the lower class. In the current system, the working class is subjugated to the upper class in all walks of life.

    The wide gap between two classes in any society is evident from the living standards of its classes. The lower class strives for food, while the upper class lives a lavish life full of bounties. The setting of the story demonstrates the huge gap between the employer and the employee. It talks heavily about the grave conditions of the proletariat. In the short story The Moustache, Tariq Rahman writes, "For some years there was a little talk of moustaches.... food was what obsessed everyone's mind(Rahman 1989)." People of the family always praised a healthy moustache, because they consider it a sign of prestige and privilege. It shows the exploitation of the poor and marginalized class of society when they were striving for loaves. Hence, Marx truly formulated the class struggle theory to bring the sufferings of the lower class to the limelight.

    Capitalism sees the proletariat as a commodity of the bourgeoisie. And it pushes the marginalized community periodically to stand against it. The darkness of the capitalist system and the poor family's resistance to it is obvious from the beginning. Though Dadu and Shafaqat are born equal humans like all other people they belong to the marginalized faction of society. In addition, it causes distress and suppressions in their lives. According to Marx, society is divided into the haves and have-nots communities. And these two characters truly represent the working or have-nots community and they must struggle in the story to get their rights. They are forced to live like slaves; although, they have all the prerequisites of living a normal human life.

    Class Struggle is Evident in the Main characters of the Story

    Historically, capitalism is known for the two-class conflict. There is a major distinction between the two classes, and it is evident from the huge gap between their socioeconomic progress in the race of life. It is an unavoidable fact that there is a differentiation between these classes, which later becomes the major point for social unrest. Similarly, the higher class is more powerful than the lower class in the field of economics, politics, and social-well being. 

    The above quotation shows that different social groups appear because the higher class dominates the lower class in all spheres of life; economic, social and political. This short story is thoroughly related to the life of the lower class in Pakistan; The Moustache deeply describes the class struggle in Pakistani society. Class struggle is reflected through Dadu, Shafaqat, and their family because they belong to the lower class and they always receive condemnable treatment from the upper class. Dadu is a well-built man living in the village of Pind Izzat Walan with his family. The class conflict initiates when Dadu begins growing his moustache. He has a luxuriant growth of hair and his moustache promised to be impressive. However, the Chaudhry of the village represents the character of the upper class and asks him to cut off his moustache because only the lord and Chaudhry have the right to keep a healthy moustache. It reveals how the upper class pushes the lower to endless miseries.

    Upper Class Pushes the Lower Class into slavery

    Often, in capitalist societies, the lower class lives a slave's life. They have little or no say in their affairs of life.  The working class is snubbed by the upper class in all aspects of life. The lower class is used as a commodity by the upper class and it does not have any free will. The short story The Moustache is a witness to the fact that Dadu's moustache is cut off by the wicked men of the Chaudhry. They also insult him badly. In the story, "the Chaudhry has spared your lives because you are less than the dust under his feet (Rahman 1989).” The story truly reveals the fact that financial crises lead to long-lasting slavery. Dadu and Shafaqat were living like slaves despite their physical and mental greatness.

    Social Class Struggle Kills the Hope to Get Better Life

    The lower class always struggles to get better social status and the same rights as the upper class but the huge gap between the upper and the lower class kills all their hopes. In The Moustache, Shafaqat and his family hope that he will recruit into the armed forces; thus, he struggles to get equal rights. Similarly, he will eliminate the exploitation and oppression from society. Shafaqat and his family feel oppressed and exploited at the hands of the upper class, so he consciously struggles for rights and recognition. In the story, The Moustache Shafaqat's struggle to get recruited into the armed forces is a struggle to survive, fulfil family’s needs and earn a respectable position in society. In the story The Moustache "He was a sensational success in the village. The children all hero-worshipped him even more than we had ever worshipped Dadu. (Rahman 1989)." The text is a testimony to the struggles of the working class. The proletariat always struggles for a better life but all their hopes die, whenever, they confront the upper class.

    The Power-Driven Society Impacts the Social Class System

    Globally, humans strive for power and material wealth. Power comes from material wealth and the same material wellness provides quality life. Then, exploitation of the lower class occurs because of the money the upper class possesses. Similarly, the bourgeoisie doesn’t allow the marginalized classes to grow socially and economically. This heinous global practice is thoroughly described in the short story The Moustache by Tariq Rahman. The social growth of characters like Dadu is halted by the upper class in society. Similarly, the social and financial growth of characters like Shafaqat is blocked by the upper class in the current capitalist system. Dadu was beaten and humiliated because he belongs to the lower class. In the same way, Shafaqat is maltreated, even in the armed forces' uniform because he belongs to the marginalized class of society. Hence, Tariq Rahman paints a true picture of the class-conflict in his short story The Moustache.

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    The study concludes on the bases of the discussion section. The researchers elaborate on the myths behind keeping moustaches in the story The Moustache, and the motives behind the working class' practice to pretend to be an elite class. The study sums up Tariq Rahman's effort to portray a true picture of the class struggle in his story.

    Marxism is vividly seen in the short story The Moustache, by Tariq Rahman. The short story elucidates the class conflict between the two economic classes. According to Marx, human society is the history of class struggle in different eras. With the advent and realm of capitalism, two classes emerged: the owners, or the bourgeoisie, and the workers, or the proletariat. In the short story, The Moustache, Tariq Rahman tends to explain that the lower class fronts onto insurmountable hardships to bring itself on equal footing to the upper class. In this story, Dadu and his family fall prey to myths and they live away from reality. They cannot do anything in reality; however, their Belief in myths is firmly intact. They attribute greatness and power to healthy moustaches and well-built physiques but the reality does not testify to their claims. In reality, their moustache and incredible physiques are overshadowed by the economic power of the upper class.

    Dadu is severely beaten up by Chaudhry's men and it prevails the realization that he and his family are always controlled by the higher class because of the material wealth of the bourgeoisie. This practice forces the working class to find happiness in pretending to be the elite class through physical features, such as a moustache, while the reality is entirely different. Their sufferings and suppressions are so mountainous that they find a fantasized happiness to pretend themselves as the elite class. The plight of the working class is also revealed in the story that how far the material wealth of the upper class can impact the lower class. And their downtrodden life is thoroughly manifested in the story. The huge gap between the two classes brings them into a long-lasting conflict. Undoubtedly, it proves that Karl Marx is right in saying that the social living of men determines their intellect and consciousness.

    Similarly, this study manifests the submissiveness of the Shafaqat’s character in the story because of the class conflict. Although, his moustache and physical body are praise-worthy; besides, he is recruited by highly influential armed forces as well. But still, economic disparity compels him to work as a subordinate to a foul-mouthed woman. He is dominated and humiliated by the upper class, while his moustache is regarded highly in his society. His society and lower class praise him, while he is maltreated by the people of the upper class because he does not own material wealth. Both Shafaqat and Dadu failed to achieve great fortunes in their future due to the existing class conflict system. Consequently, the two classes collide with each other and create an environment of animosity.

    Economic disparity and social inequality harvest the rotten fruits in the shape of injustice, crime, threats, violence, and instability in society. Tariq Rahman's short story The Moustache reveals the animosity between the two classes against the backdrop of Marxism. The working class is dominated in multiple aspects of life by the owner class. The huge gap between these two classes proves detrimental to any society and it needs to be wiped out. Exploitation and oppression must be abolished to create balance and harmony in society.

    Marxism strives for change in the existing class system and seeks to attain a classless society where the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would have equal rights and privileges on the bases of their needs and productivity. The “means of production" are single-handedly owned by the owner class in this system and Marxism rightly seeks to replace this system with socialism which is the higher form of human society the society created on the bases of Marxism will eliminate the economic, social and political disparities.


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    APA : Hussan, S., Rahman, G., & Aryan, A. A. (2021). The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman. Global Political Review, VI(I), 251-60.
    CHICAGO : Hussan, Sana, Gohar Rahman, and Ayaz Ahmad Aryan. 2021. "The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman." Global Political Review, VI (I): 251-60 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2021(VI-I).24
    HARVARD : HUSSAN, S., RAHMAN, G. & ARYAN, A. A. 2021. The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman. Global Political Review, VI, 251-60.
    MHRA : Hussan, Sana, Gohar Rahman, and Ayaz Ahmad Aryan. 2021. "The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman." Global Political Review, VI: 251-60
    MLA : Hussan, Sana, Gohar Rahman, and Ayaz Ahmad Aryan. "The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman." Global Political Review, VI.I (2021): 251-60 Print.
    OXFORD : Hussan, Sana, Rahman, Gohar, and Aryan, Ayaz Ahmad (2021), "The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman", Global Political Review, VI (I), 251-60
    TURABIAN : Hussan, Sana, Gohar Rahman, and Ayaz Ahmad Aryan. "The Application of Marxism in the Short Story "The Moustache" by Tariq Rahman." Global Political Review VI, no. I (2021): 251-60.