ECONOMIC STRATEGIES OF PAKISTAN MUSLIM LEAGUE N AN ANALYSIS 201318      10.31703/gpr.2022(VII-I).02      Published : Mar 2022
Authored by : Hamid Iqbal , Muhammad Usman , Muhammad Nawaz Shahzad

02 Pages : 11 - 19


    The PML-N’s (2013) Government witnessed a rapid change in the economy as several economic strategies were implanted in different ways. The study will focus on monetary policy, public debts, and loan records taken either locally or internationally. Some works enriched the position of the economy by making loans to some extent, but loans played a weak role in the economy of Pakistan generally. Qualitative and Quantitative research has been conducted to examine the circumstances and to draw a rational conclusion. The study observes that the living standard of people has grown well, but due to the vague strategy of the government, it faced problems in the true sense of economic growth. Taxes were imposed to meet the impositions of the IMF. This study recommends that government should reserve a special budget to meet their loan installments. Persons having taxable income should be brought to the tax circle.. 


    Economic Strategies, Pakistan Muslim League, PML-N, Nawaz Sharif


    In the growth of a country, the economy has a great role, and that can be enhanced by different means. However, Pakistan did not seek any effective economic policies throughout the life of the country; instead of the Ayub era when industrialization brought a boom in the economy. The economy of Pakistan witnessed a lot of vicissitudes. The study will seek the economic condition of Pakistan before and during the PML-N government. Economic change and growth will explain their working capacity for a better economy and strategies as well. The government took several steps for rapid growth in the economy, but it raised some questions like, whether these steps were suitable for Pakistan or not? Had they fulfilled their promises? Is it sufficient for the country or should it be enhanced? The Macroeconomic stability, debts, IMF, Loans from commercial banks and private institutions, fiscal policy, and monetary policy come under consideration in this study. 

    General elections in Pakistan were held in May 2013 to elect the members of National and Provincial Assemblies. These elections had a great importance due to the first-ever transfer of government from one publically elected government to other publically elected government in the history of Pakistan. PML N won these elections, Mamnoon Hussain became president, and Nawaz Sharif became Prime Minister. To communicate with the public PML-N provided their manifesto, which promoted their political agenda. In the preface they mainly elaborated that the elections are going to be held in the coming days, and the nation recognizes the instrumental role of PML-N. Further, they attached their league to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, and claimed that it is according to the vision of Iqbal. They also talked about the economic development in the 1990s and cashed the invincible role in making of nuclear power to Pakistan.

    They alleged that country remained in corrupt hands from the 1999 during and after the Musharraf era. The manifesto had different sets as the means of socio-economic development, generating opportunities and jobs based on equity, fairness, and justice, the rule of law, etc. There were various fields of action like Economic revival, Energy security, Agricultural, and food security, social changes regarding to health, women empowerment, education, sports minorities etc. They also explored domestic governance, science and technology, the employment challenge, media, art and culture, interprovincial harmony, justice, corruption and accountability, foreign policy, and terrorism. However, here economic policy will be analyzed in terms of its implementation.

    Economic Policy of PML-N Described in the Manifesto

    Firstly, they highlighted the inept policies of the Zardari government over the last five years and said that PML-N would bring Economic Revival in Pakistan. These economic strategies would be lie on macro-economic indicators. The country is facing losses due to low growth and high inflation just because of the incompetence of the government and high levels of corruption. GDP is at worst position, and the annual average growth is just 2.9%. They proposed that sustainable and inclusive economic growth requires:

    o physical and human resources

    o Technological potential in industry and agriculture

    o Reduction in budget deficits and the balance of payments

    o Reduction in corruption

    o Tax evasion

    The party will pay special attention to the following areas:

    o Energy sector

    o Foreign investment

    o Conversion of 50% of transmittals into investments sent by Overseas Pakistanis

    o Large-scale infrastructure projects

    o Motorways, dams, housing projects

    o New reservoirs of oil, gas, and other minerals.

    The economic revival plan of the party will achieve a decrease in the budget deficit to 4%, inflation rate to 7 or 8%, an increase in industrial manufacturing up to seven or eight percent, and investment Gross Domestic Product to 20%. The additional important element will be industrial revival by larger foreign direct investments. Cotton and textile sectors of Pakistan in the international markets will be expanded and promoted. The I.T industry will be focused as without incorporation of IT in our export base, the country will be unable to accelerate the exports. Import and export pricelists will be developed that eradicate the anti-export prejudice.

    The development in the housing industry not only flourishes this sector but will develop other industries and sub-sectors related to construction. It will reduce the cost of construction and creates opportunities of employment. They highlighted that country borrowed more than its doubled amount during the past five years and the servicing annual debt crossed Rs. One thousand bn.. The total public debt of Pakistan increased up to Rs. 13,500 bn. in 2012 which was less than Rs. 3,000 bn. in 1999. Therefore, it will be ensured that sound macro policies should be adopted and public debt leftovers at a bearable level.

    Similarly, to decrease financial discrepancy, VIP protocol will be eliminated and a decrease in expenditures of the Executive and Presidency will be done. The institutions will become more autonomous, accountable, and responsible. Party is aware that powerful interest groups would oppose economic reforms. As in previous governments of PML-N, the public witnessed the ability to make institutional reforms, so this time again party has the power to provoke the strength of influential interest groups.” (Manifesto, 2013)

    The basic objective of the Tax Reform Program of PML-N will be:

    a) Equity in the tax system

    b) Use of an IT database in the tax system

    c) Reduce Tax evasion

    d) Tax administration reforms

    e) Publication of annual tax directory

    f) Fixation in the tax rates

    g) Increase in tax revenues of Provincial governments

    h) Rationalization of Sales tax

    i) Simplification of the administration of taxes

    j) Elimination of money laundering and whitening of black money

    k) Reduction in the number of federal and provincial taxes

    l) Improvement in self-assessment and audit process

    m) Discouragement of luxury items’ imports” (Manifesto, 2013)

    Analysis of the Implementation of the Clauses

    PML-N said in their manifesto that they would

    stabilize Pakistan's economy and tax collection will be enhanced. However during their five year of government, they didn't do so, and a heavy amount of loans had been taken from different sources. 

    Reports of State Bank of Pakistan shows the following fluctuation in debts and loans in Pakistan's economy. Table of Debts is given below (SBP n.d.).

    Table 1

    Central Government Debt

    (In Billicn Rupees)

    Debt Instruments

    May 2013

    May 2014

    May 2015

    May 2016

    May 2017


    A. Central Government Domestic Debt(a+b)






    16,446 0

    a. Lone Term (i+ii—in)







    i Permanent Debt (1+2+3)


    3; 729.3




    4,625 6

    1. Market Loans







    Federal Government







    3.00 % 1971 (Permanent)







    Loans matured but not encashed







    2. Federal Government Bends







    Pakistan Engineering Company







    GOP Ijara Shkuk 3 Years







    Under Land Reforms 1977







    Govt. Bonds issued to SLIC (Capitalisation)







    Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)







    3. Prize Bondsk







    ii. Unfunded Debt







    Savin? Schemes (Net of Prize Bonds)







    Postal Life Insurance







    GP Fund







    iii. Foreign Currency Loans


    4 5





    Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificate







    US Dollar Bearer Certificates







    FCBC 5 Years







    Special US Dollar Bonds







    b. Short Term







    Floating Debt


    4.567 6





    Bai Muajjal







    Market Treasurv Bills







    MTBs for Replenishment of Cash"







    B. Central Government External Debt7







    Long Term



    4.555 4




    Short Term







    Central Government Debt (A+B)




    13631 6



    US Dollar, last day average exchange rates





    104 3642


    Source: State Bank of Pakistan

    The Upper given table shows that PML-N Government borrowed a lot of loans and debs from national and international sources, and an overall increase in debt was more than seven thousand bn. rupees. In May 2013, when they came to the ruling, the total debt was 9,080.7 bn. rupees which was increased up to 16,446.0 bn. Rupees till May, 2018 at the end of their government. In this term, Pakistan's open debt saw an expansion of Rs 1.7 trillion during the year, to arrive at Rs 16.3 trillion by the end of FY14. Not at all; like the earlier year when the whole increment originated from household debt, outside debt contributed around one-fifths of the expansion in FY14. Actually, Pakistan's outside debt and liabilities posted an expansion of US$ 4.6 bn. in FY14, subsequent to falling in FY12 and FY13. (Bank 2013-14)

    The administration's choice to reconnect with the IMF toward the start of the monetary year not just decreased weight on the outside record, yet in addition encouraged the resumption of inflows from different IFIs. This is plainly obvious from the US$ 1.6 bn. Increment in multilateral credits during the year. Another significant advancement was the administration's choice to tap the worldwide security advertisements, following a hole of seven years. 

    Pakistan had the option to get US$ 2.0 bn. by giving Eurobonds in April 2014, against the underlying objective of just US$ 0.5 bn.. The most outstanding advancements were made in September 2013 with IMF’s EFF, the unmistakable improvement in the nation's FX saves, the uncommon energy about the PKR, the decrease in the financial deficiency, the lower than anticipated swelling rate, the improvement in private division credit and the generally contained current record shortfall (IMF 2015). Genuine GDP expanded by 4.1 percent (PBS), which is a superior and progressively adjusted presentation contrasted with the most recent year's development of 3.7 percent, yet at the same time marginally shy of the objective of 4.4 percent for the year. 

    In spite of the fact that the significant commitment to development originated from administrations (58 percent share in GDP), it was the sharp hop in modern development which gave the truly necessary lift to GDP. All through FY14, the macroeconomic condition wherein money related approach was working can be arranged into two unmistakable stages. The principal stage was described by extreme weights on the outside record, noteworthy upside dangers to the expansion standpoint, and the administration's dependence on national bank financing. Subsequently, as anyone might expect, the administration chose to reconnect with the IMF in September 2013. 

    The Monetary Policy Statement of January 2014 obviously perceives two worries that legitimized the expansion in the approach rate: "one was the proceeded with crumbling to be determined of installments position while the other was exacerbating of swelling standpoint"  (SBP, Monetary policy 2014). In general spending shortfall in FY14 was 5.5% of GDP as it was 8.2% in the previous year. Following various long periods of slippages, the spending shortfall fell well inside the objective set for the year. 

    Open debt to-GDP proportion declined somewhat to 64.8 percent in FY15 from 65.1 percent a year ago, basically on the rear of revaluation additions of US$ 4.2 bn. Alongside certain upgrades in financial and current record adjusts  (PBS 2013-14). The revaluation gains were the aftereffect of worldwide cash developments because of continuous changes in the planet's economies. While the pace of debt gathering declined (with an expansion of Rs 1.4 trillion to the debt stock in FY15, contrasted and Rs 1.7 trillion in FY14), the debt to GDP proportion is still high.

    In spite of a few difficulties during the underlying months of the year, FY15 saw a change in financial position from a traditionalist to a prominent facilitating, particularly during the second half of the year. In four sequential money-related approach choices from mid-November 2014 to May 2015, SBP cut the roof space of the loan cost passageway (IRC) by a total 300 bps to a multi-decade low of 7 percent. The spending shortfall of GDP in 2015 was 5.3%, which was lower than 5.5% as in 2014. (SBP, Annual report FY2014-15 2014-15). Whenever contrasted and the objective for the year, the shortfall was somewhat higher. While the monetary union during the year was tested by lower than anticipated duty incomes, uses stayed leveled out. 

    The spending limit FY15 conceived a development pace of 30.1 percent altogether charges – significant piece of which was to be gathered by FBR; be that as it may, the real development pace of duties acknowledged during the year was 17.7 percent  (SBP, Annual report FY2014-15 2014-15). Key variables influencing charge incomes were: 

    i. Sharp decrease in oil costs, which unfavorably influenced deals to charge assortment 

    ii. Proceeding with issues with charge requirement; 

    iii. Curbed producing movement. 

    Subsequent to staying stable during the past two years, the open debt to-GDP proportion expanded to 66.5 percent (IMF, IMF Staff Completes Twelfth and Final Review Mission to Pakistan, 2016). Outside liabilities remained at 1.3 percent of GDP as of end-June 2016. Pakistan's economy kept up its force towards a higher development direction in FY16. An empowering approach condition was one of the key factors that added to this force. Higher foundation spending by the legislature and decades' low financing costs gave a lift to household request, and facilitating in the vitality supply circumstance tended to a key bottleneck keeping down modern execution. 

    An improvement in the security circumstance enhanced these strategy measures. While a few pointers were shy of the objectives, despite everything, they posted a better position when contrasted with FY15. The general local financial exercises increased further force in FY16, as vitality and security circumstances improved. In particular, genuine GDP development arrived at an 8-year high of 4.7 percent, in spite of worldwide headwinds  (SBP, Annual report FY2015-16, 2015-16). While noticeable gains in industry and administrations contributed the most to this better development execution, the agribusiness division recorded a decrease because of extreme misfortunes to the cotton crop. The solace on the macroeconomic front – low swelling and in general outer overflow – that Pakistan appreciated in FY15 endured in FY16. 

    This permitted SBP to proceed with the amazing money-related backing which it turned out a year ago. Doing two separate cuts of 50 and 25 premise focuses, SBP brought the strategy rate down to 5.75 percent, which is the least level since the mid-1970s. The target behind this simple stance was to strengthen the ongoing financial recuperation, which is well-ready to move towards a higher development direction. Unassuming additions have been accomplished up until this point: organizations have returned to bank obtaining, the import of capital merchandise has solidified, and enormous scale makers have continued BMR advancement.

    The substance of later financial endeavors is to support macroeconomic steadiness in the nation while guaranteeing a helpful situation for monetary development. This involves a decrease in monetary deficiency without cutting advancement spending. As needs are, financial shortfall kept on succumbing to the fourth year straight. The shortage of 4.6 percent recorded in FY16, however marginally higher than the objective set for the year, was 0.7 rate focuses lower than a year ago. This decrease was credited essentially to: 

    i. more than 20 percent development in FBR charge assortments; 

    ii. a fall in the red adjusting cost that contained the development in government current consumptions; 

    iii. higher surpluses recorded by commonplace governments. 

    Reassuringly, advancement used by bureaucratic and commonplace governments kept up their pace regardless of this monetary union. Such star development open segment improvement programs (PSDP) gave the required upgrade to the economy during the year. Net open liability to Gross Domestic Product proportion enhanced possibly to 67.2% at the end of the fiscal year 2017 which was 67.6 2016. This enhancement, notwithstanding upper financial and current record shortfalls, mirrors that development in ostensible GDP overtook the development in open debt during Fiscal Year 17. Inside the gross open debt, the administration debt remained at 61.65 in June 2017, which was 61.2% in June 2016  (Moody’s 2017). 

    Regardless, the all-out debt and liabilities of the nation remained at 78.7% of GDP in June 2017, marginally higher than 77.6% in 2016  (SBP, Annual report FY2016-17 2016-17). The pace of development in the economy kept on quickening in FY17 also. The genuine GDP development in FY17 was the most noteworthy during the most recent ten years. It was driven by a bounce-back in farming and a wide based increment in esteem expansion by the administration's part. Inside the industry, significant help originated from progress in assembling and developing action. From the interesting side, the significant commitment originated from a flood in local utilization pursued by a moderate increment in speculation. 

    The genuine GDP development increased further energy during FY17, expanding by 5.3 percent, contrasted with 4.5 percent a year ago. This development was the most noteworthy in the course of the most recent decade, yet in addition, wide-based. A sharp recuperation in farming creation, solid worth expansion in the administration's division, and proceeded progress in the assembling area contributed to this empowering execution. Fiscal strategy in FY17 was focused on uniting the increases from positive financing costs – set prior at a memorable low degree of 5.75 percent  (PBS, National Accounts of Pakistan For the Period of July – December 2017-18 2017-18).

    The goal was to benefit from the conductive macroeconomic condition and thrust onward the private venture recuperation in the nation. While keeping the arrangement rate unaltered, State Bank proactively interceded in the interbank market to guarantee adequate liquidity available to banks and to keep the medium-term rates near the objective rate. This was encouraged by net retirements to business banks by the legislature, just as redirection of budgetary acquiring towards SBP; this opened up business banks' assets for private loaning.

    Subsequently, medium-term rates declined further, and weighted normal loaning rates (steady) stayed 57 premise focuses lower by and large during 2016-2017 than the most recent year and arrived at a 12-year low of 7.2%. The monetary deficiency was recorded at 5.8 % in the year against the objective of 3.8% recorded in the previous year. The essential shortfall, which avoids intrigue installments, expanded to 1.6% of GDP from 0.3% in FY16  (SBP, Annual report FY2017-18 2017-18). The income deficiency, which rejects improvement use, was 0.8 percent of GDP in FY17, equivalent to in FY16.

    The rising macroeconomic irregular characteristics, and the broadening of twin shortfalls specifically enlivened the pace of debt aggregation. The gross open debt developed by 16.6 percent during FY18, double the pace of increment recorded in FY17. Therefore, the gross open debt rose by 5.6 rate focuses to 72.5 percent of GDP by end-June 2018  (SBP, Annual report FY2017-18 2017-18). Comparative patterns were seen in government debt – open debt short government stores held with the financial framework. In this way, the debt to-GDP proportion stayed higher than the 60 percent limit imagined in the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act (FRDLA), 2005.

    The FY18 finished with a blended exhibition of the economy. The genuine financial action increased further force, and expansion stayed beneath the objective for the fourth back to back year. In a similar vein, development in private area credit was solid, and venture edged up as far as GDP. Simultaneously, in any case, a sharp deceleration in income development contrasted with the use and expanded reliance on imports to satisfy developing local need prompted extending in the twin shortfalls to unsustainable levels. Actually, diligent increment in imports dominated a recuperation in trades. The subsequent record current record deficiency prompted expanded weights on outside trade holds and conversion scales. Correspondingly, the monetary shortage was most noteworthy during the most recent five years.

    Together these prompted a quicker amassing in open debt, particularly the outside debt. The genuine GDP development got further in FY18, arriving at 5.8 percent, contrasted with 5.4 percent a year ago. The development stayed expansive based, but on the other hand, was the most elevated during the most recent 13 years and stayed near the objective set for FY18. A solid exhibition by horticulture, supported development in administrations, and an uptick in enormous scale producing yield added to this positive result. With developing lopsided characteristics in the economy, alongside a difficult viewpoint, the fiscal approach in Pakistan changed gears in FY18. 

    The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) expanded the approach rate by an aggregate 75 premise focuses during the year, subsequent to keeping it unaltered at memorable low levels for around 20 months. The key weight point was the sufficiency level of the nation's outside trade saves, just as the future swelling way. Critically, SBP's conjectures from January 2018 onwards recommended that persevering household request pressures – obvious in rising imports, twin shortages, and raised degree of center expansion – might present dangers to the medium-term manageability of monetary development. Truth be told, the conjecture of feature expansion for FY19 featured the improved probability of surpassing the 6.0 percent target fundamentally due to slacked go through of the PKR deterioration and the upward direction of worldwide oil costs. 

    A sharp deceleration in income development contrasted with consumption, prompted an expansion in the monetary shortfall to the most significant level during the previous five years. Different markers of financial execution additionally observed a weakening. For example, increment in essential shortfall shows higher development in non-intrigue uses contrasted with income development. Essentially, increment in income shortfall focuses to higher development in current uses versus income.

    Economic Surveys

    Toward the finish of budgetary year 2013-14, the segment of all-out debt that has an immediate charge on government incomes just as the debt acquired from IMF was taken as open debt. Open debt stock came to Pakistan in March 2014 amounting Rs.15,534 bn. speaking to an expansion of Rs.1,168 bn. which was 8 percent higher than the previous monetary year  (Finance 2014). The essential wellspring of increment in open debt during the initial nine months of the current financial year was in residential debt that situated at Rs.10,823 bn. speaking to an expansion of Rs.1,306 bn., while, outer debt presented at Rs.4,711 bn. speaking to a decline of Rs.138 bn. when contrasted with end June 2013. The decrease in outer debt during the initial nine months of the current monetary year is for the most part ascribed to net reimbursements and energy about Pak Rupee against US Dollar. 

    In the year 2014-15 Public debt was recorded at Rs. 16,936 bn. or 61.8 percent of GDP as at end-March 2015 contrasted and 62 percent during a similar period a year ago  (Finance, Economic Survey for financial year 2015 2015). Open debt recorded an expansion of Rs. 940 bn. during initial nine months of current monetary year as contrasted and Rs. 1,272 bn. during a similar period a year ago. The essential wellspring of increment in open debt was in residential debt that situated at Rs. 11,932 bn. speaking to an expansion of Rs. 1,012 bn., though, outer debt presented at Rs. 5,004 bn. speaking to a lessening of Rs. 72 bn. when contrasted with end June 2014  (Finance, Economic Survey for financial year 2015 2015). The outside debt declined regardless of net outer inflows which is fundamentally ascribed to tremendous translational addition of around US$ 4.3 bn. by virtue of valuation for US Dollar against other significant monetary forms. 

    Pakistan Economic Survey 2015-16 recorded Public debt at Rs.19,168 bn. as at end-March 2016 enrolling an expansion of Rs.1,787 bn. during initial multi-month of current financial year  (Finance, Economic Survey for financial year 2017 2017). Out of this complete increment, increment in residential debt was Rs.1,200 bn. while government getting from local hotspots for financing of monetary shortage was Rs.786 bn.. This differential is basically ascribed to increment in government acknowledge balances for State Bank of Pakistan/business banks. Additionally, increment in outside debt contributed Rs.588 bn. to open debt. Aside from crisp outside inflows, revaluation misfortune by virtue of devaluation of US Dollar against other worldwide monetary forms just as deterioration of Pak Rupee against US Dollar added to this expansion. 

    The FY 2016-17 shows Gross open debt was Rs.20,873 bn. as at end-March 2017 while net open debt was Rs.18,893 bn.. Net open debt recorded an expansion of Rs.1,194 bn. during the initial nine months of the current financial year  (Finance, Economic Survey for financial year 2017 2017). Out of this absolute increment, increment in local debt was Rs.1,121 bn. while government obtaining from residential hotspots for financing of monetary deficiency was Rs.1,018 bn.. This differential is chiefly ascribed to increment in government acknowledge balances for the financial framework. Additionally, increment in outer debt contributed Rs.73 bn. in open debt. Revaluation gain because of energy about US Dollar against other outside monetary forms decreased the effect of net outer inflows on outside open debt portfolio. 

    Anyway in 2017-18 increment in outer debt contributed Rs 830 bn. to the open debt while government getting for financing of monetary deficiency from outside sources was Rs 384 bn. (Finance, Economic Survey for financial year 2017 2017). Along these lines, the expansion in outside debt means the two borrowings for financing of monetary shortage just as revaluation misfortunes due to Pak Rupee deterioration against US Dollar just as energy about different monetary standards against US Dollar. It is important that devaluation expands the rupee estimation of outside debt, however doesn't add a lot to remote cash risk of the nation for example any negative Dollar just as energy about different monetary standards against US Dollar. 

    It is significant that devaluation of Pak Rupee expands the rupee estimation of outer debt, yet doesn't add a lot to remote money risk of the nation for example any negative revaluation sway is spread over numerous years relying upon the life of some random advance, in this manner, prompt income sway is constrained.


    This study was conducted to explore the economic performance of the PML-N government at the federal level after the winning in election 2013. A number of official reports of reputed institutes came under consideration. It observed the gaps of strategies and lack of competent governance in Pakistan. To check the governance level, it is necessary to check the economic strategies of the government, i.e., its income and its expenses. Issues in economy emerged due to the gaps and deficiencies in those steps that were taken by the government. These gaps may be financial gaps, executive issues, internal disputes and country power. 

    This research examined that PML-N government did not fulfilled their promises which they made during their elections campaign. The collection of taxes and poor economic steps weaken the economy of Pakistan. PML-N claimed that it inherited fragile economic condition, as many economists believed that Zardari government’s economic policies were a complete failure. Industrial growth was near to zero percent and the investment rate has declined. Inflation was at double digits, energy crisis, and low foreign exchange reserves, budget deficits weaken the economy.

    In spite of these circumstances PML-N declared its economic policy as the will bring a boom in the economy of Pakistan. The due debt put a heavy hand on the government and the government was helpless without taking new loans. With the span of time, it was witnessed that these were sessional talks only. However, the decrease in inflation rate and increase in GDP showed the PML-N government was better than PPP’s 2008 government in economic turns.


  • Bank, State. (2013). Annual report FY2013-14, State Bank of Pakistan. 2013-14.
  • Finance, Ministry of. Economic Survey for financial year (2015).
  • Economic Survey for financial year (2014).
  • Economic Survey for financial year (2016).
  • Economic Survey for financial year (2017).
  • IMF. IMF Staff Completes Twelfth and Final Review Mission to Pakistan,. (2016).
  • IMF Executive Board Completes First Review Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement for Pakistan and Approves US$553.3 Million Disbursement. (2015).
  • Moody's. Moody's: Policy effectiveness amid high leverage and China's rebalancing to drive sovereign credit quality in Asia Pacific. (2017).
  • PBS. National Accounts of Pakistan For the Period of July. (April 2017).
  • National Accounts of Pakistan For the Period of July. (April 2012-13).
  • SBP. Annual report FY. (2014-15).
  • Annual report FY. (2016-17).
  • Annual report FY. (2015-16).
  • Annual report FY. (2017-18).
  • Monetary policy. (2014).

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Iqbal, Hamid, Muhammad Usman, and Muhammad Nawaz Shahzad. 2022. "Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18." Global Political Review, VII (I): 11 - 19 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2022(VII-I).02
    HARVARD : IQBAL, H., USMAN, M. & SHAHZAD, M. N. 2022. Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18. Global Political Review, VII, 11 - 19.
    MHRA : Iqbal, Hamid, Muhammad Usman, and Muhammad Nawaz Shahzad. 2022. "Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18." Global Political Review, VII: 11 - 19
    MLA : Iqbal, Hamid, Muhammad Usman, and Muhammad Nawaz Shahzad. "Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18." Global Political Review, VII.I (2022): 11 - 19 Print.
    OXFORD : Iqbal, Hamid, Usman, Muhammad, and Shahzad, Muhammad Nawaz (2022), "Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18", Global Political Review, VII (I), 11 - 19
    TURABIAN : Iqbal, Hamid, Muhammad Usman, and Muhammad Nawaz Shahzad. "Economic Strategies of Pakistan Muslim League (N): An Analysis 2013-18." Global Political Review VII, no. I (2022): 11 - 19.