REIMAGINING THE POPULISM AND LEADERSHIP OF MISS FATIMA JINNAH      10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).05      Published : Dec 2019
Authored by : SanaZaheer , MuhammadIqbalChawla

05 Pages : 41-48


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    CHICAGO : Zaheer, Sana, and Muhammad Iqbal Chawla. 2019. "Reimagining the Populism and Leadership of Miss Fatima Jinnah." Global Political Review, IV (IV): 41-48 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).05
    HARVARD : ZAHEER, S. & CHAWLA, M. I. 2019. Reimagining the Populism and Leadership of Miss Fatima Jinnah. Global Political Review, IV, 41-48.
    MHRA : Zaheer, Sana, and Muhammad Iqbal Chawla. 2019. "Reimagining the Populism and Leadership of Miss Fatima Jinnah." Global Political Review, IV: 41-48
    MLA : Zaheer, Sana, and Muhammad Iqbal Chawla. "Reimagining the Populism and Leadership of Miss Fatima Jinnah." Global Political Review, IV.IV (2019): 41-48 Print.
    OXFORD : Zaheer, Sana and Chawla, Muhammad Iqbal (2019), "Reimagining the Populism and Leadership of Miss Fatima Jinnah", Global Political Review, IV (IV), 41-48