- Alias, M., & Rasdi, R. M. (2015). Organizational predictors of workplace deviance among support staff. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172(1), 126-133.
- Amponsah-Tawiah, K., & Annor, F. (2017). Do personality and organizational politics predict workplace victimization? A study among Ghanaian employees. Safety and Health at Work, 8(1), 72-76.
- An, Y., & Kang, J. (2016).Relationship between organizational culture and workplace bullying among Korean nurses. Asian nursing research, 10(3), 234-239.
- Aquino, K. (2000). Structural and individual determinants of workplace victimization: The effects of hierarchical status and conflict management style. Journal of Management, 26(2), 171-193.
- Aquino, K., &Thau, S. (2009). Workplace victimization: Aggression from the target's perspective. Annual review of psychology, 60, 717-741.
- Aquino, K., Galperin, B. L., & Bennett, R. J. (2004).Social status and aggressiveness as moderators of the relationship between interactional justice and workplace deviance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34(5), 1001-1029.
- Aquino, K., Grover, S. L., Bradfield, M., & Allen, D. G. (1999).The effects of negative affectivity, hierarchical status, and self-determination on workplace victimization. Academy of management journal, 42(3), 260-272.
- Ashforth, B. E. (1997). Petty tyranny in organizations: A preliminary examination of antecedents and consequences. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 14(2), 126-140.
- Ash-Houchen, W., & Lo, C. C. (2018). Intersections of gender and sexual minority status: Co-occurring bullying victimization among adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 262-270.
- Balducci, C., Alfano, V., &Fraccaroli, F. (2009). Relationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior. Violence and Victims, 24(1), 52-67.
- Balducci, C., Cecchin, M., &Fraccaroli, F. (2012). The impact of role stressors on workplace bullying in both victims and perpetrators, controlling for personal vulnerability factors: A longitudinal analysis. Work & Stress, 26(3), 195-212.
- Baron, R. A., & Neuman, J. H. (1996). Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes. Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Aggression, 22(3), 161-173.
- Berry, C. M., Ones, D. S., & Sackett, P. R. (2007). Interpersonal deviance, organizational deviance, and their common correlates: a review and meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 92(2), 410.
- Braithwaite, V., Ahmed, E., & Braithwaite, J. (2008). Workplace bullying and victimization: The influence of organizational context, shame, and pride. International Journal of OrganisationalBehaviour, 13(2), 71-94.
- Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J., Williams, J. H., & Langhout, R. D. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: incidence and impact. Journal of occupational health psychology, 6(1), 64-80.
- Cortina, L. M., Rabelo, V. C., & Holland, K. J. (2018). Beyond blaming the victim: Toward a more progressive understanding of workplace mistreatment. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(1), 81-100.
- Dash, S. S., & Jena, L. K. (2019). Self-deception, emotional neglect, and workplace victimization. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 13(1), 81-94.
- Drory, A. (1993). Perceived political climate and job attitudes. Organization Studies, 14(1), 59-71.
- Duffy, M. K., Ganster, D. C., & Pagon, M. (2002). Social undermining in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 45(2), 331-351.
- Einarsen, S., & Mikkelsen, E. G. (2003). Individual Effects of Exposure to Bullying at Work. In Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace (pp. 127-144). Taylor & Francis.
- Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., &Notelaers, G. (2009).Measuring exposure to bullying and harassment at work: Validity, factor structure and psychometric properties of the Negative Acts QuestionnaireRevised.Work & Stress, 23(1), 24-44.
- Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Baal, D., & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The concept of bullying and harassment at work: The European tradition. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, 2, 3-40.
- Ferris, G.R., et al. (1996). Perceptions of Organizational Politics: prediction, stress-related implications, and outcomes. Human Relations, 49(2), 233-266.
- French, J. R., Raven, B., & Cartwright, D. (1959).The bases of social power. Classics of organization theory, 7, 311-320.
- Hackney, K. J., & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). A review of abusive behaviors at work: The development of a process model for studying abuse. Organizational Psychology Review, 8(1), 70-92.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
- Hansen, Å. M., Grynderup, M. B., Bonde, J. P., Conway, P. M., Garde, A. H., Kaerlev, L., ... & Willert, M. (2018). Does workplace bullying affect long-term sickness absence among coworkers? Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 60(2), 132-137.
- Hayes, A. F. (2017). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regressionbased approach. Guilford Publications.
- Hoffmann, J. P. (2010). Linear regression analysis: applications and assumptions. Brigham Young University, Provo.
- Hourani, L. L., Williams, J., Lattimore, P. K., Morgan, J. K., Hopkinson, S. G., Jenkins, L., & Cartwright, J. (2018). Workplace victimization risk and protective factors for suicidal behavior among active duty military personnel. Journal of affective disorders, 236, 45-51.
- Itzkovich, Y. (2014). Incivility: The Moderating Effect of Hierarchical Status Does a Manager Inflict More Damage. Journal of Management Research, 6(3), 86-98.
- Jia, J., Li, D., Li, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., Sun, W., & Zhao, L. (2018). Peer victimization and adolescent Internet addiction: The mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of teacher-student relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 116-124.
- Johan Hauge, L., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2007). Relationships between stressful work environments and bullying: Results of a large representative study. Work & Stress, 21(3), 220-242.
- Kacmar, K. M., & Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation. Journal of Management, 23(5), 627-658.
- Keashly, L. (1998). Emotional abuse in the workplace: Conceptual and empirical issues. Journal of emotional abuse, 1(1), 85-117.
- Lambert, E. G., Gordon, J., Paoline III, E. A., & Hogan, N. L. (2018). Workplace demands and resources as antecedents of jail officer perceived danger at work. Journal of Crime and Justice, 41(1), 98-118.
- Koivisto, J., & Hamari, J. (2014). Demographic differences in perceived benefits from gamification. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 179-188.
- Lane, J., Armstrong, G. S., & Fox, K. A. (2018). Fear of victimization among incarcerated youths: Examining the effects of institutional
- Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 165-184.
- MartÃÂn Babarro, J., DÃÂaz-Aguado, M. J., MartÃÂnez Arias, R., & Steglich, C. (2017). The power structure in the peer group: The role of classroom cohesion and hierarchy in peer acceptance and rejection of victimized and aggressive students. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 37(9), 1197-1220.
- Martin, R. J., & Hine, D. W. (2005). Development and validation of the uncivil workplace behavior questionnaire. Journal of occupational health psychology, 10(4), 477.
- Osborne, J. W., & Waters, E. (2002). Four assumptions of multiple regression that researchers should always test. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 8, 2. hv23
- Qaisar, M. N., Malik, T. N. (2015). Determinants of Employee Health and Happiness: A Wellness Perceptive from Islamic and General Point of View at Public Sector Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Al-Idah, 31(2), 84-103.
- Qaisar, M. N., Mariam, S., & Ahmad, F. (2018). Employee wellness as predictor of productivity from public sector management perspectives: Conditional Process Analysis. NUML International Journal of Business & Management, 13(2), 104-116.
- Ravenswood, K., Douglas, J., & Haar, J. (2017). Physical and verbal abuse, work demands, training and job satisfaction amongst aged-care employees in the home and community sector. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 27(4), 302-318.
- Rubineau, B., Lim, Y., & Neblo, M. (2019). Low status rejection: How status hierarchies influence negative tie formation. Social Networks, 56, 33-44.
- Salin, D. (2003). Bullying and organizational politics in competitive and rapidly changing work environments. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 4(1), 35-46.
- Salin, D. (2005). Workplace bullying among business professionals: Prevalence, gender differences and the role of organizational politics. Perspectives interdiscipliconairessur le travail et la santé, (7-3).
- Scott, B. A., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Beauty, Personality, and Affect as Antecedents of Counterproductive Work Behavior Receipt. Human Performance, 26(2), 93-113.
- Siegel, L. (2006). Criminology. (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
- Tepper, B.J. (2007).Abusive Supervision in Work Organizations; Review synthesis, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 33(3), 878-893.
- Thatcher, J. B., Wright, R. T., Sun, H., Zagenczyk, T. J., & Klein, R. (2018). Mindfulness in Information Technology Use: Definitions, Distinctions, and a New Measure. MIS Quarterly, 42(3), 831-847.
- Trépanier, S. G., Fernet, C., Austin, S., &Boudrias, V. (2016). Work environment antecedents of bullying: A review and integrative model applied to registered nurses. International journal of nursing studies, 55, 85-97.
- Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism. Annual review of psychology, 58, 425-452.
- Alias, M., & Rasdi, R. M. (2015). Organizational predictors of workplace deviance among support staff. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172(1), 126-133.
- Amponsah-Tawiah, K., & Annor, F. (2017). Do personality and organizational politics predict workplace victimization? A study among Ghanaian employees. Safety and Health at Work, 8(1), 72-76.
- An, Y., & Kang, J. (2016).Relationship between organizational culture and workplace bullying among Korean nurses. Asian nursing research, 10(3), 234-239.
- Aquino, K. (2000). Structural and individual determinants of workplace victimization: The effects of hierarchical status and conflict management style. Journal of Management, 26(2), 171-193.
- Aquino, K., &Thau, S. (2009). Workplace victimization: Aggression from the target's perspective. Annual review of psychology, 60, 717-741.
- Aquino, K., Galperin, B. L., & Bennett, R. J. (2004).Social status and aggressiveness as moderators of the relationship between interactional justice and workplace deviance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34(5), 1001-1029.
- Aquino, K., Grover, S. L., Bradfield, M., & Allen, D. G. (1999).The effects of negative affectivity, hierarchical status, and self-determination on workplace victimization. Academy of management journal, 42(3), 260-272.
- Ashforth, B. E. (1997). Petty tyranny in organizations: A preliminary examination of antecedents and consequences. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 14(2), 126-140.
- Ash-Houchen, W., & Lo, C. C. (2018). Intersections of gender and sexual minority status: Co-occurring bullying victimization among adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 262-270.
- Balducci, C., Alfano, V., &Fraccaroli, F. (2009). Relationships between mobbing at work and MMPI-2 personality profile, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and suicidal ideation and behavior. Violence and Victims, 24(1), 52-67.
- Balducci, C., Cecchin, M., &Fraccaroli, F. (2012). The impact of role stressors on workplace bullying in both victims and perpetrators, controlling for personal vulnerability factors: A longitudinal analysis. Work & Stress, 26(3), 195-212.
- Baron, R. A., & Neuman, J. H. (1996). Workplace violence and workplace aggression: Evidence on their relative frequency and potential causes. Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Aggression, 22(3), 161-173.
- Berry, C. M., Ones, D. S., & Sackett, P. R. (2007). Interpersonal deviance, organizational deviance, and their common correlates: a review and meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 92(2), 410.
- Braithwaite, V., Ahmed, E., & Braithwaite, J. (2008). Workplace bullying and victimization: The influence of organizational context, shame, and pride. International Journal of OrganisationalBehaviour, 13(2), 71-94.
- Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J., Williams, J. H., & Langhout, R. D. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: incidence and impact. Journal of occupational health psychology, 6(1), 64-80.
- Cortina, L. M., Rabelo, V. C., & Holland, K. J. (2018). Beyond blaming the victim: Toward a more progressive understanding of workplace mistreatment. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(1), 81-100.
- Dash, S. S., & Jena, L. K. (2019). Self-deception, emotional neglect, and workplace victimization. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 13(1), 81-94.
- Drory, A. (1993). Perceived political climate and job attitudes. Organization Studies, 14(1), 59-71.
- Duffy, M. K., Ganster, D. C., & Pagon, M. (2002). Social undermining in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 45(2), 331-351.
- Einarsen, S., & Mikkelsen, E. G. (2003). Individual Effects of Exposure to Bullying at Work. In Bullying and Emotional Abuse in the Workplace (pp. 127-144). Taylor & Francis.
- Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., &Notelaers, G. (2009).Measuring exposure to bullying and harassment at work: Validity, factor structure and psychometric properties of the Negative Acts QuestionnaireRevised.Work & Stress, 23(1), 24-44.
- Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Baal, D., & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The concept of bullying and harassment at work: The European tradition. Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice, 2, 3-40.
- Ferris, G.R., et al. (1996). Perceptions of Organizational Politics: prediction, stress-related implications, and outcomes. Human Relations, 49(2), 233-266.
- French, J. R., Raven, B., & Cartwright, D. (1959).The bases of social power. Classics of organization theory, 7, 311-320.
- Hackney, K. J., & Perrewé, P. L. (2018). A review of abusive behaviors at work: The development of a process model for studying abuse. Organizational Psychology Review, 8(1), 70-92.
- Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
- Hansen, Å. M., Grynderup, M. B., Bonde, J. P., Conway, P. M., Garde, A. H., Kaerlev, L., ... & Willert, M. (2018). Does workplace bullying affect long-term sickness absence among coworkers? Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 60(2), 132-137.
- Hayes, A. F. (2017). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regressionbased approach. Guilford Publications.
- Hoffmann, J. P. (2010). Linear regression analysis: applications and assumptions. Brigham Young University, Provo.
- Hourani, L. L., Williams, J., Lattimore, P. K., Morgan, J. K., Hopkinson, S. G., Jenkins, L., & Cartwright, J. (2018). Workplace victimization risk and protective factors for suicidal behavior among active duty military personnel. Journal of affective disorders, 236, 45-51.
- Itzkovich, Y. (2014). Incivility: The Moderating Effect of Hierarchical Status Does a Manager Inflict More Damage. Journal of Management Research, 6(3), 86-98.
- Jia, J., Li, D., Li, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., Sun, W., & Zhao, L. (2018). Peer victimization and adolescent Internet addiction: The mediating role of psychological security and the moderating role of teacher-student relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 116-124.
- Johan Hauge, L., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2007). Relationships between stressful work environments and bullying: Results of a large representative study. Work & Stress, 21(3), 220-242.
- Kacmar, K. M., & Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation. Journal of Management, 23(5), 627-658.
- Keashly, L. (1998). Emotional abuse in the workplace: Conceptual and empirical issues. Journal of emotional abuse, 1(1), 85-117.
- Lambert, E. G., Gordon, J., Paoline III, E. A., & Hogan, N. L. (2018). Workplace demands and resources as antecedents of jail officer perceived danger at work. Journal of Crime and Justice, 41(1), 98-118.
- Koivisto, J., & Hamari, J. (2014). Demographic differences in perceived benefits from gamification. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 179-188.
- Lane, J., Armstrong, G. S., & Fox, K. A. (2018). Fear of victimization among incarcerated youths: Examining the effects of institutional
- Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 165-184.
- MartÃÂn Babarro, J., DÃÂaz-Aguado, M. J., MartÃÂnez Arias, R., & Steglich, C. (2017). The power structure in the peer group: The role of classroom cohesion and hierarchy in peer acceptance and rejection of victimized and aggressive students. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 37(9), 1197-1220.
- Martin, R. J., & Hine, D. W. (2005). Development and validation of the uncivil workplace behavior questionnaire. Journal of occupational health psychology, 10(4), 477.
- Osborne, J. W., & Waters, E. (2002). Four assumptions of multiple regression that researchers should always test. Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation, 8, 2. hv23
- Qaisar, M. N., Malik, T. N. (2015). Determinants of Employee Health and Happiness: A Wellness Perceptive from Islamic and General Point of View at Public Sector Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Al-Idah, 31(2), 84-103.
- Qaisar, M. N., Mariam, S., & Ahmad, F. (2018). Employee wellness as predictor of productivity from public sector management perspectives: Conditional Process Analysis. NUML International Journal of Business & Management, 13(2), 104-116.
- Ravenswood, K., Douglas, J., & Haar, J. (2017). Physical and verbal abuse, work demands, training and job satisfaction amongst aged-care employees in the home and community sector. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 27(4), 302-318.
- Rubineau, B., Lim, Y., & Neblo, M. (2019). Low status rejection: How status hierarchies influence negative tie formation. Social Networks, 56, 33-44.
- Salin, D. (2003). Bullying and organizational politics in competitive and rapidly changing work environments. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 4(1), 35-46.
- Salin, D. (2005). Workplace bullying among business professionals: Prevalence, gender differences and the role of organizational politics. Perspectives interdiscipliconairessur le travail et la santé, (7-3).
- Scott, B. A., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Beauty, Personality, and Affect as Antecedents of Counterproductive Work Behavior Receipt. Human Performance, 26(2), 93-113.
- Siegel, L. (2006). Criminology. (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth
- Tepper, B.J. (2007).Abusive Supervision in Work Organizations; Review synthesis, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 33(3), 878-893.
- Thatcher, J. B., Wright, R. T., Sun, H., Zagenczyk, T. J., & Klein, R. (2018). Mindfulness in Information Technology Use: Definitions, Distinctions, and a New Measure. MIS Quarterly, 42(3), 831-847.
- Trépanier, S. G., Fernet, C., Austin, S., &Boudrias, V. (2016). Work environment antecedents of bullying: A review and integrative model applied to registered nurses. International journal of nursing studies, 55, 85-97.
- Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism. Annual review of psychology, 58, 425-452.
Cite this article
APA : Gul, A., Ahmad, F., & Mariam, S. (2019). Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization. Global Political Review, IV(IV), 29-40.
CHICAGO : Gul, Amna, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. 2019. "Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization." Global Political Review, IV (IV): 29-40 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2019(IV-IV).04
HARVARD : GUL, A., AHMAD, F. & MARIAM, S. 2019. Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization. Global Political Review, IV, 29-40.
MHRA : Gul, Amna, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. 2019. "Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization." Global Political Review, IV: 29-40
MLA : Gul, Amna, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. "Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization." Global Political Review, IV.IV (2019): 29-40 Print.
OXFORD : Gul, Amna, Ahmad, Farooq, and Mariam, Shahida (2019), "Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization", Global Political Review, IV (IV), 29-40
TURABIAN : Gul, Amna, Farooq Ahmad, and Shahida Mariam. "Interactive Effect of Perceived Organizational Politics and Hierarchical Status on Workplace Victimization." Global Political Review IV, no. IV (2019): 29-40.