ANALYTICAL OVERVIEW OF BEIJINGS BELT AND ROAD CORRIDORS      10.31703/gpr.2018(III-II).03      Published : Dec 2
Authored by : IjazKhalid , SyedUmairJalal , MuhammadBilal

03 Pages : 18-30


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  • Government Proposes 29 Industrial Parks, 21 Mineral Zones, under CPE. (2015, July 26). The NEWS.
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  • Kaura, V. (2017, June 10). "Understanding Indian Response to China's Belt and Road". Indian Times.
  • Khalid, C. D. (2017). Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 88-98.
  • Khalid, H. U. (2018). CPEC and Federalism: An Analysis. Journal of Political Studies, 195-199.
  • Khalid, H. U. (2018). Indian Cold Start Doctrine: Pakistan's Policy Response. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 222-228.
  • Khalid, I. (2018, May 24). AN ANALYSIS OF INDIAN, RUSSIAN & US RESPONSES TO CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR. PhD Thesis. Mardan, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa , Pakistan: Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan.
  • Khalid, M. S. (2016). Encouraging Trends of Women's Politics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Comparative Assessment of 2002 and 2008 General Elections in Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 50 - 66.
  • Khalid, Z. S. (2015). Pakistan-Iran Relations in the Changing Global Scenario Post 9/11. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 211-212.
  • MS Malik, H. K. (2018). Regional Security Threats to Pakistan: A Critical Review. Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 162-167.
  • Padmaja, G. (2015). "Modi's Maritime Diplomacy: A strategic Opportunity". Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India, 11(2), 25-42.
  • Phillips, S. (n.d.). One Belt One Road: A Role for UK companies in developing China's new initiative; New Opportunities in China and beyond. Foreign and common wealth office, China-Britain Business Council.
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  • Shah, I. K. (2015). Beijing Reaction to Osama Operation inside Pakistan. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 27-29.
  • Shah, I. K. (2015). US Strategy in Afghanistan: From Attack to Talks. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 60-65.
  • Siddique, Q. (2014). Deeper than Indian Ocean? An Analysis of Pakistan-China Relations. SISA | Centre for International and Strategic Analysis.
  • Stokes, J. (2015). China's Road Rules : Beijing Looks West Toward Eurasian Integration. Council on Foreign Affairs.
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  • Walking between the Raindrops. (2010, May 27). The Economist
  • Xiaoyu, P. (2017). Ambivalent accommodation: status signaling of a rising India and China response, International Affairs:. 93(1), 147-163.
  • Xinjian Legislature Approves Burqa Ban. (2015, July 10). Xinhua News.
  • Xi calls for Xinjiang Ethnic Unity; Tolerance. (2014, May 5).
  • Andrew, S. (2015). "The China-Pakistan Axis".
  • China Bans Ramadan Fasting in Muslim Northwest. (2014, July 3). AP.
  • China Readies $46b for Pakistan Trade Route. (2015, April 16). WSJ.
  • China, The Observatory of Economic Complexity. (n.d.).
  • Dehghan, S. (2016, February 15). "China's Silk Road revival steams ahead as cargo train arrives in Iran". The Guardian.
  • Garlick, J. (2017, May 8). “If you Can’t Beat ‘em Join ‘em”, Shaping India’s Response to China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Gambit.
  • Government Proposes 29 Industrial Parks, 21 Mineral Zones, under CPE. (2015, July 26). The NEWS.
  • Hafeez Ullah Khan, I. K. (2018). New Delhi Response to Beijing'BRI'Project: A Lucid connection with Chinese" String of Pearls". Journal of Political Studies, 244-284.
  • Hashmi, G. (2016). CPEC Long-term Plan and Challenges. CSS Pakistan Affairs, Current Affairs.
  • Hassan, M. I. (2017). US Afghan Strategy: Policy Responses of China and Pakistan (2001-2017). Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 71-76.
  • Hassan, M. S. (2017). Issue of SaraikiStan: Post 18th Amendment. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 166 - 170.
  • Hong Kong Trade Development Council: The Belt and Road Initiative. (2016, January 26). HKTDC Research
  • Kaura, V. (2017, June 10). "Understanding Indian Response to China's Belt and Road". Indian Times.
  • Khalid, C. D. (2017). Kashmir at Crossroad: The Partition's Unfinished Agenda. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 88-98.
  • Khalid, H. U. (2018). CPEC and Federalism: An Analysis. Journal of Political Studies, 195-199.
  • Khalid, H. U. (2018). Indian Cold Start Doctrine: Pakistan's Policy Response. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 222-228.
  • Khalid, I. (2018, May 24). AN ANALYSIS OF INDIAN, RUSSIAN & US RESPONSES TO CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR. PhD Thesis. Mardan, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa , Pakistan: Abdul Wali Khan university Mardan.
  • Khalid, M. S. (2016). Encouraging Trends of Women's Politics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: A Comparative Assessment of 2002 and 2008 General Elections in Pakistan. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), 50 - 66.
  • Khalid, Z. S. (2015). Pakistan-Iran Relations in the Changing Global Scenario Post 9/11. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 211-212.
  • MS Malik, H. K. (2018). Regional Security Threats to Pakistan: A Critical Review. Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 162-167.
  • Padmaja, G. (2015). "Modi's Maritime Diplomacy: A strategic Opportunity". Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India, 11(2), 25-42.
  • Phillips, S. (n.d.). One Belt One Road: A Role for UK companies in developing China's new initiative; New Opportunities in China and beyond. Foreign and common wealth office, China-Britain Business Council.
  • Rolland, N. (n.d.). China's Silk Road. The National Bureau of Asian Research.
  • Shah, I. K. (2015). Beijing Reaction to Osama Operation inside Pakistan. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 27-29.
  • Shah, I. K. (2015). US Strategy in Afghanistan: From Attack to Talks. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 60-65.
  • Siddique, Q. (2014). Deeper than Indian Ocean? An Analysis of Pakistan-China Relations. SISA | Centre for International and Strategic Analysis.
  • Stokes, J. (2015). China's Road Rules : Beijing Looks West Toward Eurasian Integration. Council on Foreign Affairs.
  • (2016). The Belt and Road Initiative. Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
  • Thompson, J. S. (2010). Causes of War. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Turkmenistan to start work on TAPI pipeline in December. (2015, September 15). Reuters
  • (2015). Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China with State Council authorization. Issued by the National Development of Foreign Affairs.
  • Walking between the Raindrops. (2010, May 27). The Economist
  • Xiaoyu, P. (2017). Ambivalent accommodation: status signaling of a rising India and China response, International Affairs:. 93(1), 147-163.
  • Xinjian Legislature Approves Burqa Ban. (2015, July 10). Xinhua News.
  • Xi calls for Xinjiang Ethnic Unity; Tolerance. (2014, May 5).

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    CHICAGO : Khalid, Ijaz, Syed Umair Jalal, and Muhammad Bilal. 2018. "Analytical Overview of Beijings Belt and Road Corridors." Global Political Review, III (II): 18-30 doi: 10.31703/gpr.2018(III-II).03
    HARVARD : KHALID, I., JALAL, S. U. & BILAL, M. 2018. Analytical Overview of Beijings Belt and Road Corridors. Global Political Review, III, 18-30.
    MHRA : Khalid, Ijaz, Syed Umair Jalal, and Muhammad Bilal. 2018. "Analytical Overview of Beijings Belt and Road Corridors." Global Political Review, III: 18-30
    MLA : Khalid, Ijaz, Syed Umair Jalal, and Muhammad Bilal. "Analytical Overview of Beijings Belt and Road Corridors." Global Political Review, III.II (2018): 18-30 Print.
    OXFORD : Khalid, Ijaz, Jalal, Syed Umair, and Bilal, Muhammad (2018), "Analytical Overview of Beijings Belt and Road Corridors", Global Political Review, III (II), 18-30